3.32 OEQuaternion

OEQuaternion : public OETransBase

This object is one of the molecular transformation base classes which derive from OETransBase and work with OETrans.

OEQuaternion(double angle, double *vec)
OEQuaternion(float angle, float *vec)
OEQuaternion(double *quat)
OEQuaternion(float *quat)

OEQuaternion &operator=(const double *quat)
OEQuaternion &operator=(const float *quat)

void GetQuaternion(double *quat) const
void GetQuaternion(float *quat) const

OETransBase *CreateCopy() const

This OETransBase object represents a quaternion rotation transformation. This quaternion object does not include a translation, thus the vec arrays are assumed to be of length three and the quat arrays of length four.