4.47 OEGasteigerInitialCharges

bool OEGasteigerInitialCharges(OEMolBase &mol)

Calculate the seed charge partial charges used by the Marsilli-Gasteiger partial charge algorithm. It is not necessary to call this function prior to calling OEGasteigerPartialCharges.

Gasteiger initial charges assign the partial charge of -0.5 to atoms of type OETriposType::Oco2, i.e. carboxylate oxygens, and use the formal charge as the partial charge on all other atoms except those in conjugated rings. For conjugated ring systems, consisting of Tripos atom types C.2, C.ar, N.2, N.ar, N.pl3 and N.am, the sum of the formal charges of the atoms in the ring system are divided equally amongst all atoms in the ring system. For example, the five heavy atoms in imidazolium (``[nH+]1c[nH]cc1''), each get a partial charge of 0.2.