10.9 OENumberToString

The OENumberToString functions convert numerical values into ASCII strings.

bool OENumberToString(short          value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(unsigned short value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(int            value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(unsigned int   value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(OELongLong     value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(OEULongLong    value, std::string &str,
                      int base = 10)
bool OENumberToString(double         value, std::string &str,
                      char form = 'f', int prec = 6)

These functions convert the specified value into an ASCII formatted string in the specified base. The str parameter is assigned the value of the resulting string and the functions returns whether or not the conversion was successful. The prec parameter specifies the precision with which a floating-point value should be converted to a string. The form parameter specifies the format in which the floating-point value should be displayed. Acceptable values for this parameter are: f, F, e, E, g, and G. Specifying any of these values is equivalent to using that value after the percent sign in a printf statement.

std::string OENumberToString(short          value,  int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(unsigned short value,  int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(int            value,  int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(unsigned int   value,  int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(OELongLong     number, int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(OEULongLong    number, int  base = 10)
std::string OENumberToString(double         number, char f = 'f',
                             int prec = 6)

These functions convert the specified value into an ASCII formatted string in the specified base and then return the resulting string. If the conversion failed, an empty string will be returned. The prec parameter specifies the precision with which a floating-point value should be converted to a string. The form parameter specifies the format in which the floating-point value should be displayed. Acceptable values for this parameter are: f, F, e, E, g, and G. Specifying any of these values is equivalent to using that value after the percent sign in a printf statement.