12.3 Testing for Membership in a Given Ring Size

It is also to use OEChem to determine whether an atom or bond is in a ring or cycle of a given size, using the OEAtomIsInRingSize and OEBondIsInRingSize functions. Both of these functions require that OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds has previously been called on the molecule. Both of these functions take the query ring size as an argument, which should be greater than or equal to three. The definition of ring or cycle is not based upon the SSSR, and these return true if there is a bonded path of `size' unique atoms where each atom is bonded to the next and the last is bonded to the first.

It is often the case that atoms may be in different sized cycles at the same time. For example, one way to identify the ring fusion atoms in indole (the fusion of a five-membered pyrrole ring and a six-membered benzene ring) is to use "OEAtomIsInRing(atm,5) && OEAtomIsInRing(atm,6)". Of course, the ``MyAtomRingBondCount'' given in the previous section would be a more efficient way to solve the same problem.

OEChem also provides an additional pair of functions, OEAtomIsInAromaticRingSize and OEBondIsInAromaticRing size, to determine whether an atom or bond is in an aromatic ring or cycle of a given size. These behave identically to OEAtomIsInRingSize and OEBondIsInRingSize except that each ring bond in the path/cycle must be aromatic. In addition to OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds, these functions also require the user to have called OEAssignAromaticFlags.