24.8 OEOpenStream and OECloseStream

The OEOpenIStream and OEOpenOStream functions create and return the appropriate oestream for handling the specified parameter. These functions take one parameter which is initially parsed to determine whether or not a colon delimited protocol is present to indicate how the I/O should be handled. If no protocol is specified, the parameter is assumed to correspond to a filename. If a protocol is specified, the function checks to see whether an appropriate stream allocator and deallocator has been registered to handle this protocol. If the protocol has been registered, an appropriate stream will be created and returned, otherwise, the function will return 0. Allocators and deallocators are registered using the OEPlatform::OERegisterStream functions. All oestreams created with these functions, must be closed using the corresponding OECloseStream function. Finally, file names, as well as input data, are analyzed to determine if they are compressed. If the file name or data suggests compression, the returned stream will be appropriately setup to dynamically handle the compression requirements.

oeistream *is = OEOpenIStream("file: input.txt.gz");
oeostream *os = OEOpenOStream("file: output.txt.gz");

if (is && *is && os && *os)
    *os << *is << oeflush;
