32.3.2 OEParseCommandLineLW

OEParseCommandLineLW is designed for simple lightweight (hence LW) interfaces. The OEInterface object can only be configured with certain kinds of parameters when this function is used. The rules are

  1. A boolean parameter with a default value of false and a name beginning with a dash followed by a single character.

  2. A key-less parameter (i.e., a parameter with a non-zero key-less value).

The form of the command line is described in detail in the OEParseCommandLineLW API documentation. For those who wish to discerned the form of the command line from and example here is one.

Given the following program

Chapter 32 - Example 5 : cpp file

#include "oeplatform.h"
#include "oesystem.h"

//Defines static const unsigned char* array InterfaceData
#include "ch32-5.itf"

using namespace OEPlatform;
using namespace OESystem;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  OEInterface itf;
  return 0;

with this txt file

Chapter 32 - Example 5 : txt configuration file

  !TYPE bool
  !DEFAULT false

  !TYPE bool
  !DEFAULT false

  !TYPE bool
  !DEFAULT false

  !TYPE string

  !TYPE string

here are some examples of valid command lines

> ch32-5 -a -b -c
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  true
-c  true
#-in (Not set, no default)
#-out (Not set, no default)

> ch32-5 booga ooga
#Interface settings
-a  false
-b  false
-c  false
-in booga
-out ooga

> ch32-5 -a -b -c ooga booga
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  true
-c  true
-in  ooga
-out  booga

> ch32-5 -ab -c ooga booga
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  true
-c  true
-in  ooga
-out  booga

> ch32-5 -ab -c ooga
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  true
-c  true
-in  ooga
#-out (Not set, no default)

> ch32-5 -abc ooga
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  true
-c  true
-in  ooga
#-out (Not set, no default)

> ch32-5 -ca
#Interface settings
-a  true
-b  false (default)
-c  true
#-in (Not set, no default)
#-out (Not set, no default)

and invalid command lines

> ch32-5 -d
Fatal: Unknow switch -d
> ch32-5 -abcd
Fatal: Unknow switch -d (specified as part of group -abcd)
> ch32-5 -abc -d ooga booga
Fatal: Unknow switch -d
> ch32-5 -abc ooga booga ack
Fatal: Too many arguments on the command line
> ch32-5 ooga booga -a
Fatal: Too many arguments on the command line
> ch32-5 -ab ooga booga -c
Fatal: Too many arguments on the command line