32.5 Parameter Categories

Parameters can be separated into different categories. This is done using the !CATEGORY keyword in the text configuration file (see the OEConfigure API documentation) as in the following example.

Chapter 32 - Example 7 : cpp file

#include "oeplatform.h"
#include "oesystem.h"

//Defines static const unsigned char* array InterfaceData
#include "ch32-7.itf"

using namespace OEPlatform;
using namespace OESystem;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  OEInterface itf;
  if (OECheckHelp(itf,argc,argv)) return 0;
  return 0;

Chapter 32 - Example 7 : txt configuration file

!CATEGORY Variables
  !BRIEF Category for variables

    !TYPE float
    !DEFAULT 0.0
    !BRIEF First variable

    !TYPE float
    !DEFAULT 0.0
    !BRIEF Second variable


!CATEGORY operator

    !TYPE string
    !BRIEF Operation to perform on x and y
      The operation performed is

        x <-op> y

      So if -op is 'add' the operation is

        x + y


Running this program gives the following results

> ch32-7 -x 1.0 -y 1.0 -op add
#Interface settings

#Variables : Category for variables
    -x  1.000000
    -y  1.000000

#operator :
    -op  add

Where the variables are now broken up into two different categories.

Categories can be nested inside other categories, and there is no limit to the amount of nesting (i.e., you can have categories inside categories inside categories, etc...).

Note: Creating a category adds a child OEInterface to the base OEInterface class. As a practical matter, however, this only affects how the parameters appear when outputted to the screen by one of the free functions.