32.11 Parameter Aliases/Shortcuts

In addition to it's primary key or name a parameter can optionally have one or more aliases/shortcut names. These aliases and shortcuts can be entered on the command line (or parameter file) in place of the primary name. The following example illustrates.

Chapter 32 - Example 14 : cpp file

#include "oeplatform.h"
#include "oesystem.h"

//Defines static const unsigned char* array InterfaceData
#include "ch32-14.itf"

using namespace OEPlatform;
using namespace OESystem;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  OEInterface itf;
  return 0;

Chapter 32 - Example 14 : OEConfigure txt configuration file

  !ALIAS -talk
  !TYPE bool

This program treats -talk and -speak equivalently on the command line.

Example output

> ch32-14
#Interface settings
#-speak (Not set, no default)

> ch32-14 -speak
#Interface settings
-speak  true
> ch32-14 -talk

#Interface settings
-speak  true

> ch32-14 -talk false
#Interface settings
-speak  false


A parameter can have multiple aliases (each must be on it's own !ALIAS line).

If two or more parameters have the same name and/or alias the behavior is undefined.