33.1 Atoms, Bond, Conformers, and Molecules

The most important data types in the OEChem library are OEMolBase, OEAtomBase and OEBondBase. These three classes describe the behaviors of molecules, atoms and bonds respectively. However, these types are ``abstract'' classes, describing the methods and semantics of molecules, atoms and bonds, but without defining an actual implementation. Several implementations of OEMolBase are defined by the OEChem library including OESCMol (Single Conformer Molecule) for simple molecule processing, OETMol (Traversal Molecule) for fast looping, and OEDBMol (Database Molecule) for minimal memory usage. Additional OEMolBase implementations may also be provided by the user, which can then be used by many of the functions in the OEChem Library.

An OEMCMolBase is a multi-conformer extension of an OEMolBase. The OEMCMolBase inherits from a OEMolBase and also contains OEConfBases, which are additional sets of coordinates to represent conformers or depictions. There may soon be multiple implementations of an OEMCMolBase, but currently the only implementation is the OEMCMol, which holds a 3-dimensional Cartesian representation of the coordinates. The underlying OEMCMolBaseT implementation is templatized on the coordinate representation, and is currently implemented with both float and double coordinates (although float coordinates are the default).

An OEMolBase representing a molecule can be thought of as containing a (possibly empty) set of atoms represented by OEAtomBases, and a (possibly empty) set of bonds represented by OEBondBases. Each OEAtomBase and OEBondBase belongs to a single OEMolBase, its parent. It is not possible for an OEAtomBase or an OEBondBase to be simultaneously part of two distinct molecules. Similarly, an OEMCMolBase, which inherits from an OEMolBase may contain atoms and bonds. In addition, is can contain a (possibly empty) set of conformers represented by OEConfBases. Each OEConfBase belongs to a single parent. The OEAtomBases, OEBondBases, and OEConfBases currently implemented cannot be created outside of the context of a parent molecule.

An OEBondBase (typically) represents a covalent/dative bond between two OEAtomBases.

OEMolBase, OEAtomBase, OEBondBase, OEMCMolBases, and OEConfBases are all themselves derived from a more primitive class OEBase. The methods of the OEBase class allow arbitrary data to be associated with an object, using a tag- value pair mechanism. Thus for simple extensions of molecules, atoms, or bonds, one can simply use this arbitrary data method to associate additional data with the classes, rather than needing to derive or wrap a new molecule, atom, or bond class.

Since all of the classes discussed so far are abstract (e.g. - they define only an interface), they cannot be explicitly instantiated by a user, rather they can only be associated with pointers or references to objects. For users who desire detailed control of their own memory, this is a convenience, however for ease of use we have designed some concrete wrapper classes. These classes are the OEGraphMol,OEQMol and OEMol, which correspond to the OEMolBase and OEMCMolBase respectively. OEGraphMols and OEMols can be declared by users and should be the primary molecules used in most high-level OEChem code. Any OEChem function which is defined for OEMolBases is also defined for OEGraphMols, and an OEGraphMol can be passed to any function which takes an OEMolBase argument. Similarly OEMols have the same API as OEMCMolBases and can be passed to any function which takes and OEMCMolBase or OEMolBase. Above we spoke of several different implementations of OEMolBases. The different implementations of OEMolBases. The different implementations can be obtained by using an unsigned int argument in the OEGraphMol, OEQMol, and OEMol constructors. Finally, these concrete classes act as smart pointers around the implementations of the abstract classes, so there is no need for a user to clean up memory used by these versions of the molecules.

For efficiency, function parameters should never specify the concrete classes. Instead, they should always be declared using the corresponding abstract-base classes. For instance, rather than:

void fcn(const OEGraphMol &mol)

one should use:

void fcn(const OEMolBase &mol)

Either of these functions call be called with either an instance of an OEGraphMol or a reference to an OEMolBase, however, the latter may be more efficient.

Since OEAtomBases, OEBondBases, and OEConfBases can only be accessed through their parent molecules, there is no need for concrete instances of these classes. In OEChem, these three classes are accessed via pointers to the respective base classes, or through the iterator interface discussed elsewhere.