Bindings Protocol Teleconference February 16, 2000 Present: Judy Slein, Jason Crawford, Jim Whitehead, Chuck Fay, Geoff Clemm Minutes recorded by Jim Whitehead. *** Note that decisions made during the teleconference are always subject to review on the mailing list. The mailing list is the final arbiter of consensus on any issue. Note also, that the revised Bindings Protocol specification produced as a result of this conference call will also be subject to review by the mailing list. *** Issue #20: [Bindings Property] The situation described in this issue is somewhat pathological. To accommodate this, properties would need to be defined on URLs, not on resources. However, this would violate RFC 2518. If such a situation as described in this issue were to arise, conceptually the resource would hold the property, and the non-DAV server would be exercising its right to not respond to a given HTTP method, in this case, PROPFIND. No changes needed to the spec. Issues #21: [Integrity] Two separate issues here, one of integrity, another for lazy vs. strong evaluation of operations. Provide pushback to Roy asking to identify areas of the spec. that require non-lazy evaluation. Review the spec. for anything that would require this. Also, there is the issue of Apache-style aliases -- are they the same as bindings? Aliases allow URL mappings to be created, but these mappings do not appear in collections. Bindings also create URL mappings, and do show up in collections. In their most general form, aliases can be created using regular expressions, making it difficult, or impossible to list all possible mappings within a collection -- it would only make sense to list one distinguished member, or the regular expression itself. It appears that aliases and bindings are separate abstractions. But, bindings should not prevent aliases from being applied. In particular, we need to review this spec., and RFC 2518 to ensure that aliases are not prevented from being defined, and interact OK with DAV consistent namespaces. Issue #22: [Delete on a non-empty collection]: Agreed to add a new status code to be used to report the error condition that a collection cannot be deleted until it is emptied. Issue #23 (already closed) Issue #24 [Don't mention redirect spec in abstract]: Agreed to this change, will review suggested language. Issue #25 [Move notational conventions section after introduction]: Agreed to do this. Issue #26 [Mentioning and cross-referencing redirect references spec]: Agreed to remove explicit cross-references to other documents for redirect references. Will also ensure bindings spec. does not explicitly define what a redirect reference is, to ensure redirect reference spec. is the sole place for this. Will mention that another spec will define redirect references, to let people know to look there for the details, but this spec. will not be explicitly referenced by name. Issue #27 [Resources are not storage objects]: Agreed. Will change third paragraph of introduction so that it does not mention storage, and motivates resource sharing simply from a namespace perspective. Example of having two people sharing a resource on one of the Web storage sites, and wanting the same resource show up in both people's home workspaces would motivate this. Issue #28 [Bindings to any HTTP resource, not just DAV resources]: Disagree. We actually do mean bindings work just on WebDAV resources, due to the problems of having a non-WebDAV resource as a member of a WebDAV collection. In particular, Depth operations would be problematic in this case, and this would violate the namespace consistency requirement of RFC 2518. The heart of this disagreement seems to be that bindings really aren't the same as aliases. Need to be careful when we state that PUT creates an implicit binding, since this is really, when a PUT creates a binding in a *collection*. Issue #29 -- are currently discussing this on the list, is related to different definitions of what a resource is, and what a URL mapping is. Issue #30 -- This is really the same issue as Yaron's Mr. Integrity. Issue #31 [BIND fail if there is an existing resource]: Agreed to keep Overwrite header in the spec., but change the default to be non-delete behavior. Issue #32 [Section 5.2 language] The authors strongly feel the example should stay in, that people might not understand first paragraph without the aid of the example in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. Issue #33 [Impression of redefining response codes] We will add language to make it obvious that we are not redefining the status codes, and are merely listing the exact conditions that lead to this status code being issued. Will double-check to ensure that status codes are, in fact, not being redefined. Issue #34 [DELETE and WebDAV] Agreed, will also move this discussion to the appendix where Internal Member Resources are discussed, and we will call this appendix something like "Reconciliation with the WebDAV Spec." Issue #35 [DAV:resourceid property] Discussed having a method to compare two URLs and say whether they map to the same resource. Decided against this, since there are two needs here, (1) comparing two URLs at the same time, (2) comparing the same URL at two points in time to verify that it is still the same resource. The compare method only handles case #1. Will take this to the list to discuss further with Roy. *** End of teleconference ***