$/WebDAV Requirements/AdvCollReqts.txt ***************** Version 7 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 2/19/99 Time: 12:06p Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Revised for Internet Draft 04 - No changes from 031 except new Status section to conform to new guidelines. ***************** Version 6 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 2/01/99 Time: 3:36p Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Revision 03.1 Deleted 3.1.18 "It is not possible for a client to set or retrieve properties of a direct reference, distinct from those of its target." Deleted 3.1.19 "When creating a direct reference, it is possible to request that the location of its target be hidden." Changed the definitions of Collection and Member Resource to match what's in the WebDAV spec. Changed the definitions of Direct Reference, Redirect Reference, Strong Reference, Weak Reference, and Referential Integrity to match what's in the Collections Protocol Spec. Changed the language throughout to make collection members be URIs, in accordance with the WebDAV spec. Changed the langauge throughout to fit the new definitions of Direct / Redirect. This includes deleting 3.1.13 "Operations on a redirect reference do not affect its target resource except as needed to enforce referential integrity." ***************** Version 5 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 11/07/98 Time: 10:20a Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Revised for Internet Draft 03 for Orlando IETF meeting 12/98 New direct / redirect terminology Deleted reqt that references be resources Added 3.1.4 set / retrieve properties of reference based on conversations with versioning authors Added 3.1.6 as motivation for optional backpointers Added 3.1.12 as motivation for optional backpointers Added 3.1.19 request that target be hidden Added 3.1.21 request *no* ref integrity at ref creation time ***************** Version 4 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 7/20/98 Time: 3:11p Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Final Revisions for Chicago IETF Aug 1998 Editorial changes suggested by Jim Davis Added the concept of direct references, added several requirements specific to direct references, changed some of the old requirements to make it explicit that they apply only to indirect references. ***************** Version 3 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 7/06/98 Time: 3:17p Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Revised based on discussion at Redmond June 16, 1998. Change "internal member" to "ordinary member." Separate references from collection membership as far as possible. Say that requirements are silent on referential integrity policy. Say that cycles are not prohibited. Say that the protocol spec may not satisfy the requirements related to strong references. ********************** Label: 1996-06-19 User: Ggocek Date: 6/19/98 Time: 12:57p Labeled '1996-06-19' Label comment: ***************** Version 2 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 5/17/98 Time: 2:27p Checked in $/WebDAV Requirements Comment: Revised based on LA IETF comments and comments from Jim Whitehead. For discussion at Redmond June 16. ***************** Version 1 ***************** User: Jslein Date: 4/15/98 Time: 10:05a Created AdvCollReqts.txt Comment: First draft of advanced collection requirements, published as draft-ietf-webdav-collection-reqts-00.