Re: Version identifier in URL

Fabio Vitali (
Fri, 7 Jun 1996 11:44:59 -0500

>> - I don't know if there exists a file system in which a file and a
>> directory can have exactly the same name, and are distinguished by the fact
>> that one is a directory and the other is a file. I mean, if it were
>> possible for a directory to have both a file and a directory called
>> file.html, then the URL:
>>      http://host/dir/file.html/1.5
>> would be ambiguous. If there is such a perverted file system, I will
>> withdraw my points and leave to become a goatherd in Sardinia (Italy).
>Well the Thoth operating system from the university of waterloo
>allowed a node in the filesystem to contain both data and links
>to subnodes.  So a "directory" could be opened and read as a
>file, or it could be traversed to find subdirs.  I understand
>that the weather in Italy is very nice ;-)

Gennargentu, Sardinia, Italy. A wonderful scenery of peaceful rural
activities surrounds you. A dog barks happily far away, an army of animal
lawn mowers keep the immense grass field around you perfectly trimmed,
unspecified ovine smells fill the place (watch your steps!). A clearly
clumsy apprentice shepherd sits under a pear tree smiling at you and offers
some goat cheese. He says:

"Uh. Is it really SO bad? Heck, this could be the end of the civilization
as we know it. The entire proposal of path overspecification of resources
goes bust. I mean, not just for version management, but even for cgi
applications and such."
