RE: Seiwald Q & A -- "GET for EDIT" cookies

Christopher Seiwald (
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 17:41:48 -0700

| From: Yaron Goland <>
| Sure you do a check out on the document and the system records on the 
| Server the existence of the check out. Then you do a check in on the 
| document and the server knows who has the document checked out. Either way 

How does the server connect your checkin with the original checkout, so
that it can clear the checkout state?  It must use some information - some
token or set of tokens to bridge the two.

Clearly the URL is not sufficient: multiple users can be working on the
same document.

URL+username might be better, but I can easily imagine a case where the
same named user (or the same user) is working on a single document from
two different places.

URL+username+hostname?  Maybe.  I can think of times, tho, when I
myself have been editing the same source file on the same machine
in two different places (and fully expecting the SCM system to keep
track of it).

I don't think we can define what information is sufficient for all
version-aware Web servers to be able to join a checkin with its
corresponding checkout.  At a certain point, you're going to have to
concede that it has to be a token of the server's choice.
