ICS 1C HW 2 for QQ Skeleton -- Heading

About QQ Skeleton

Name:QQ Skeleton
E-mail: eaxx1234@ea.oac.uci.edu
Major: Interdisciplinary Basket Weaving

Three neat Web finds:

  1. ICS 1C is a great class with lots of good things and a chance to work with other students.
  2. Next favorite thing
  3. Third/last favorite thing.

Questions I can now answer

  1. What is QQ1?
  2. What is QQ2?
  3. What is QQ3?
  4. What is QQ4?
  5. What is QQ5?

  1. What is QQ1?

    My answer is... QQ1

    Return to list of questions.

  2. What is QQ2?

    My answer is... QQ2

    Return to list of questions.

  3. What is QQ3?

    My answer is... QQ3

    Return to list of questions.

  4. What is QQ4?

    My answer is... QQ4

    Return to list of questions.

  5. What is QQ5?

    My answer is... QQ5

    Return to list of questions.

Submitted January 30, 1995 for ICS 1C