
Problem: Suppose we have a collection of shapes and we want to sort them by their area.

Solution 1: expand the definition of shape

  abstract class Shape
       double area();
       double perimeter();
       boolean lessThan(Shape shape)
       return area() < shape.area() ;  // don't forget about implicit this.
       void sort(Vector of shapes)
          code for sorting
   No changes to other code.

This will work, but now we can only sort shapes. Our same sort routine will not work for addresses or any other objects.

The C++ solution would be to allow multiple inheritance, but Java doesn't have multiple inheritance.

The Java solution is to use interfaces, which provide a limited type of multiple inheritance.

Sketch of Java Solution using interfaces

     interface Sortable
     boolean lessThan(Sortable o);
     void sort(Sortable objects);
     class Shape implements Sortable
      boolean lessThan(Sortable s)
         return area() < s.area() ;
     no change to other classes

Interface Summary

Standard Interface Enumeration

This interface is in java.util.*.

     public abstract interface Enumeration
     public abstract boolean hasMoreElements();
     public abstract Object nextElement() throws NoSuchElementException;

Example use of Enumeration

      Vector v = new Vector();
      ... fill up v with Shape objects
      Enuermation e = v.elements();
      while (e.hasMoreElements())
          Shape temp = (Shape) v.nextElement();  // note cast
          ... process temp

Complete Sortable Example

This code illustrates appropriate commenting style. Comments of the form //.. are explanatory and should not be included in the usual code. This code also illustrates a few of the javadoc commands. Javadoc commands are embedded in the comments and are preceded by @. This will generate documentation similar to that of Sun's Java.api's.
package DataStructures;   //.. this allows you bundle related class 
                         //.. and access them via import
public interface Sortable
  * Returns 0 if objects equal,
  * Returns value less than 0, if object is < tobeCompared
  * Returns value greater than 0, if object is > tobeCompared
  * @param toBeCompared is the object to be compared

  public double compare(Sortable toBeCompared);

package DataStructures;
import java.util.Vector;   //.. that's all were using from java.util

public class Sort
   * Sorts a vector using bubbleSort.
   * Bubble sort is best if number of elements is small or
   * is elements are "almost" sorted.
   * In worst case, bubble-sort is quadratic in number of elements.
   * @param toBeStored is vector of sortable objects.
public static void swap(Object o1, Object o2)
    Object temp = o1.clone();  //.. Why  necessary? Efficiency? 
    o1 = o2;
    o2 = temp;

public static void bubbleSort(Vector toBeSorted)
  int n = tobeSorted.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < n;  i++)
     for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
       if ( toBeSorted.elementAt(j).compare(toBeSorted.elementAt(i) ) < 0)  
package DataStructures;
 * Class that implements sortable double

public class SortDouble implements Sortable
  /* Constructs a SortDouble  object
   * @param val is double value

  public SortDouble(double val)
     this.value = val;
  public double val()
    return value;

 public double compare(Sortable toBeCompared)
   return value - ((SortDouble) toBeCompared).val());

 public boolean equals(Object toBeCompared)
  return value == ((SortDouble) toBeCompare).val();

