Program 2

Classes, Overloaded Operators, and Iterators

ICS-33: Intermediate Programming

Introduction This programming assignment is designed first to ensure that you know how to write classes that overload many of the standard Python operators by defining various double-underscore methods. It also ensures that you know how to write classes that implement iterators, by defining an __iter__ method that returns an object that we/Python can call __next__ on. These Iterators are covered near the end of the due date for this project; skip writing these functions (only in the first class) until the material is covered in class, or read ahead.

You should download the program2 project folder and unzip it to produce an Eclipse project with two modules. You will write classes in these modules, which can be tested in the script and using the standard driver using the batch self-check files that I supplied. Eventually you will submit each of these modules you write separately to Checkmate.

I recommend that you work on this assignment in pairs, and I recommend that you work with someone in your lab section (so that you have 4 hours each week of scheduled time together). These are just recommendations. Try to find someone who lives near you, with similar programming skills, and work habits/schedule: e.g., talk about whether you prefer to work mornings, nights, or weekends; what kind of commitment you will make to submit program early.

Only one student should submit all parts of the the assignment, but both students' UCInetID and name should appear in a comment at the top of each submitted .py file. A special grading program reads this information. The format is a comment starting with Submitter and Partner (when working with a partner), followed by a colon, followed by the student's UCInetID (in all lower-case), followed by the student's name in parentheses (last name, comma, first name -capitalized appropriately). If you omit this information, or do not follow this exact form, it will require extra work for us to grade your program, so we will deduct points. Note: if you are submitting by yourself, and do NOT have a partner, you should OMIT the partner line and the "...certify" sentence.

For example if Romeo Montague (whose UCInetID is romeo1) submitted a program that he worked on with his partner Juliet Capulet (whose UCInetID is jcapulet) the comment at the top of each .py file would appear as:

# Submitter: romeo1(Montague, Romeo)
# Partner  : jcapulet(Capulet, Juliet)
# We certify that we worked cooperatively on this programming
#   assignment, according to the rules for pair programming
If you do not know what the terms cooperatively and/or rules for pair programming mean, please read about Pair Programming before starting this assignment. Please turn in each program as you finish it, so that I can more accurately assess the progress of the class as a whole during this assignment.

Print this document and carefully read it, marking any parts that contain important detailed information that you find (for review before you turn in the files). The code you write should be as compact and elegant as possible, using appropriate Python idioms.

Problem #1: Bag Class

Problem Summary:

Write a class that represents and defines methods, operators, and an iterator for the Bag class. Bags are similar to sets, and have similar operations (of which we will implement just the most important) but unlike sets they can store multiple copies of items. We will store the information in bags as dictionaries (I suggest using a defaultdict) whose keys are associated with int values that specify the number of times the key occurs in the Bag. You must store Bags using this one data structure, as specified


  1. Define a class named Bag in a module named

  2. Define an __init__ method that has one parameter, an iterable of values that initalize the bag. Writing Bag() constructs an empty bag. Writing Bag(['d','a','b','d','c','b','d']) construct a bag with one 'a', two 'b's, one 'c', and three 'd's. Objects in the Bag class should store only the dictionary specified above: it should not store/manipulate any other self variables.

  3. Define a __repr__ method that returns a string, which when passed to eval returns a newly constructed bag with the same value (==) to the object __repr__ was called on. For example, for the Bag in the discussion of __init__ the __repr__ method would print its result as Bag(['a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'd', 'd', 'd']). Bags like sets are not sorted, so these 7 values can appear in any order. We might require that information in the list is sorted, but not all values we might put in a bag may be ordered (and therefore not sortable): e.g., a bag storing both string and int values, Bag(['a',1]) which is allowed.

    Note: This method is used to test several other methods/operators in the batch self-check file; so it is critical to write it correctly.

  4. Define a __str__ method that returns a string that more compactly shows a bag. For example, for the Bag in the discussion of __init__ the __str__ method would print its result as Bag(a[1], c[1], b[2], d[3]). Bags like sets are not sorted, so these 7 values can appear in any order.

  5. Define a __len__ method that returns the total number of values in the Bag. For example, for the Bag in the discussion of __init__ the __len__ method would return 7.

  6. Define a unique method that returns the number of different (unique) values in the Bag. For example, for the Bag in the discussion of __init__ the unique method would return 4, because there are four different values in the Bag; contrast this method with __len__.

  7. Define a __contains__ method that returns whether or not its argument is in the Bag (one or more times).

  8. Define a count method that returns the number of times its argument is in the Bag: 0 if the argument is not in the Bag.

  9. Define an add method that adds its argument to the Bag: if that value is already in the Bag, its count is incremented by 1; if it is not already in the Bag, it is added to the Bag with a count of 1.

  10. Define an __add__ method that unions its two Bag operands: it returns a new Bag with all the values in Bag operands. For example: str(Bag(['a','b']) + Bag(['b','c'])) should be 'Bag(a[1],b[2],c[1])' Neither Bag operand should change.

  11. Define a remove method that removes its argument from the Bag: if that value is already in the Bag, its count is decremented by 1 (and if the count reduces to 0, the value is removed from the dictionary; if it is not in the Bag, raise a ValueError exception, with an appropriate message that includes the value that could not be removed.

  12. Define __eq__/__ne__ methods that return whether one Bag is equal/not equal to another: contains the same values the same number of times. A Bag is not equal to anything whose type is not a Bag This this method should not change either Bag.

  13. Define an __iter__ method that that returns an object on which next can be called to produce every value in the Bag: all len of them. For example, for the Bag in the discussion of __init__, the following code
      for i in x:
    would print
    Bags like sets are not sorted, so these 7 values can appear in any order.

    Ensure that the iterator produces those values in the Bag at the time the iterator starts executing; so mutating the Bag afterwards, or even during the iteration, will not affect what values it produces.

    Hint: Write this method as a call to a local generator, passing a copy of the dictionary (covered in Friday's lecture in Week 4).

I have shown only examples of Bags storing strings, because they are convenient to write. But bags can store any type of data. The __repr__, __str__, and __iter__/__next__ methods must be written independently: neither should call the other to get things done.


The module includes a script that calls driver.driver(). The project folder contains a bsc1.txt file (examine it) to use for batch-self-checking your class. These are rigorous but not exhaustive tests. Incrementally write and test your class; check each method as you write it.

Note that when exceptions are raised, they are printed by the driver but the Command: prompt sometimes appears misplaced.

You can write other code at the bottom of your module to test the Bag class, or type code into the driver as illustrated below. Notice the default for each command is the command previously entered.

  Driver started
  Command[!]: from bag import Bag
  Command[from bag import Bag]: b = Bag(['d','a','b','d','c','b','d'])
  Command[b = Bag(['d','a','b','d','c','b','d'])]: print(b)
  Bag(a[1], b[2], c[1], d[3])
  Command[len(b)]: print(len(b))
  Command[print(len(b))]: print(b.count('d'))
  Command[print(b.count('d'))]: quit
  Driver stopped

Problem #2: DictList Class (operators)

Problem Summary:

The DictList class represents a list of dict, with some keys appearing in more than one dict: think of the later dicts as representing updates to the earlier ones, but the earlier ones are still remembered earlier in the list. For example, if we define either
  d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), dict(c=13,d=14,e=15), dict(e=25,f=26,g=27))
  d = DictList({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}, {'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})

the key 'c' appears in the first and second dictionary; the key 'e' appears in the second and third dictionary. The other keys ('a', 'b', 'd', 'f', and 'g') appear in only a single dictionary. In methods below, we will overload __getitem__ so that d['c'] returns 13, because the last (highest index) dictionary that contains 'c' as a key associates with the value 13.


  1. Define a class named DictList in a module named

  2. Define an __init__ method that has one parameter: it matches one or more arguments, where each argument is expected to be a dictionary. See the example above, which creates a DictList object with three dictionaries.

    If there are no dictionaries or if any argument is not a dictionary, or if any dictionary is empty, this method must raise an AssertionError exception with an appropiate message. For example, in my code writing DictList(1) raises AssertionError with the message DictList.__init__: 1 is not a dictionary.

    If there are one or more dictionaries as arguments, store them in a list in the same order: e.g., first argument dictionary is stored at index 0..

    IMPORTANT: You must use the name self.dl (lower-case D followed by L) to store the list constructed from the argument dictionaries. The name self.dl is used in some tests in the batch self-check file. Store only this attribute: store no other self variables in this class.

  3. Define a __len__ method that returns the number of distinct keys in all the dictionaries in the DictList. For example len(d) for
      d = DictList({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}, {'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})
    is 7, because there are seven distinct keys in d: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', and 'g'.

  4. Define a __bool__ method that returns False if the DictList object stores only one dictionary; it returns True if it stores more than one dictionary.

  5. Define a __repr__ method that returns a string, which when passed to eval returns a newly constructed DictList with the same dictionary arguments the DictList object __repr__ was called on.

    The DictList example above, might (because the order of the keys/values in each dictionary makes no difference) return the string.

    "DictList({'a':1, 'c':3, 'b':2}, {'c':13, 'e':15, 'd':14}, {'g':27, 'f':26, 'e':25})"

  6. Define a __contains__ method so that in returns whether or not its first argument is a key in any of the dictionaries in a DictList; it returns True if such a key is in any dictionary and False if such a key is not in any of the dictionaries.
    Do not create any new data structures; iterate through the data structure returning the correctly value as quickly as possible.

  7. Define a __getitem__ method so that calling d[k] on DictList d returns the value associated with the latest dictionary (the one with the highest index) in d's list that has k as a key. If the key is in no dictionaries in the list, this method must raise the KeyError exception with an appropriate message. For example, in the DictList
      d = DictList({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}, {'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})
    • d['a'] returns 1 ('a' is only in the first dictionary)
    • d['d'] returns 14 ('d' is only in the second dictionary)
    • d['g'] returns 27 ('g' is only in the second dictionary)
    • d['c'] returns 13 ('c' appears in the first and second dictionary: it returns the associated value from the second dictionary).
    • d['e'] returns 25 ('e' appears in the second and third dictionary: it returns the associated value from the third dictionary).
    • d['x'] raises KeyError ('x' appears in no dictionaries).

  8. Define a __setitem__ method so that executing d[k] = v on DictList d works as follows:
    • if k is in at least one dictionary, then change the association of k to v, only in the last dictionary (highest index) in which k is a key; the number of dictionaries in the list remains the same
    • if k is not in any dictionaries, then create a new dictionary at the end of the list of dictionaries, with only one item: associating k with v in that dictionary; the number of dictionaries in the list increases by one.

    For example, in the DictList d

      d = DictList({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}, {'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})
    if we wrote d['c'] = 'new' then only the dictionary in index 1 (the last one/highest index with key 'c') would change 'c's to associate with 'new'. It would now be
      DictList({'a':1, 'b'2, 'c':3}, {'c':'new', 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})

    In the example above, if we instead wrote d['x'] = 'new' then a new dictionary would be appended to the list (with 'x' associated with 'new' in that dictionary). It would now be


  9. Define a __delitem__ method so that executing del d[k] on DictList d works as follows:
    • if k is in at least one dictionary, then delete the key k only in the last dictionary (highest index) in which k is a key; if that dictionary becomes empty, remove it from the list (the number of dictionaries in the list decreases by one).
    • if k is not in any dictionaries, then raise a KeyError exception with an appropriate message.

    For example, in the DictList d

      d = DictList({'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}, {'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})
    if we wrote del d['c'] then only the dictionary in index 1 (the last one/highest index with key 'c') would delete 'c' from its keys. It would now be
      DictList({'a':1, 'b'2, 'c':3}, {'d':14, 'e':15}, {'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27})

    In the example above, if we instead wrote del d['x'] then Python would raise a KeyError exceptiohn.

  10. Define ae __call__ method so that calling d(k) on DictList d returns a list of 2-tuples: the list index for every dictionary in which k is a key and its associated value in that dictionary. If the key is in no dictionaries in the list, it returns []. In the example above
    • d('a') returns [(0, 1)] (it is only in the list's index-0 dictionary, with an associated value of 1)

    • d('e') returns [(1, 15), (2, 25)] (it is in the list's index-1 dictionary, with an associated value of 15 and it is in the list's index-2 dictionary, with an associated value of 25)

    • d('x') returns [] (it is in no dictionaries)

    Note that the indexes that appear first in the the 2-tuple must be increasing: for d('e') the uniquely correct answer is [(1, 15), (2, 25)]; the following answer is wrong: [(2, 25), (1, 15)].

  11. Define an __iter__ method so that it produces keys according to the following rules.
    • Each key is produced only once, from the last (highest) index dictionary in which it appears.
    • All the keys in each dictionary are produced in alphabetically sorted order.

    These requirements ensure that there is only one correct sequence of values produced by the iterator. For the DictList d

      d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), dict(c=13,d=14,e=15), dict(e=25,f=26,g=27)
    the values are produced in the order
      'e', 'f', 'g', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'
    Note that the keys 'e', 'f', and 'g' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-2 dictionary; the keys 'c' and 'd' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-1 dictionary (key 'e' has already been produced); they keys 'a' and 'b' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-0 dictionary (key 'c' has already been produced).


    • Use a generator to write this method.
    • You may use another local data structure to ensure that you don't produce the same key twice (given that the same key may appear in many dictionaries in the list).

  12. Define an items method (taking no arguments) so that it produces 2-tuples (containing key-value pairs) according to the following rules.
    • Each key is produced only once, from the last (highest) index dictionary in which it appears.
    • All the keys in each dictionary are produced in alphabetically sorted order.

    These requirements ensure that there is only one correct sequence of values produced by the iterator. For the DictList d

      d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), dict(c=13,d=14,e=15), dict(e=25,f=26,g=27)
    the values are produced in the order
      ('e', 25), ('f', 26), ('g', 27), ('c', 13), ('d', 14), ('a', 1), ('b', 2)
    Note that the keys 'e', 'f', and 'g' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-2 dictionary; the keys 'c' and 'd' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-1 dictionary (key 'e' has already been produced); the keys 'a' and 'b' are produced in alphabetical order from the index-0 dictionary (key 'c' has already been produced).

    Hints: See above (or just use the __iter__ method).

  13. Define a collapse method (taking no arguments) that returns a dict that is equivalent to the DictList: it has the same keys, and each key is associated with the value in the last dictionary in which the key appears. For the DictList d
      d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2,c=3), dict(c=13,d=14,e=15), dict(e=25,f=26,g=27)
    d.collapse() would return
        {'a':1, 'b':2,'c':13, 'd':14, 'e':25, 'f':26, 'g':27} 

  14. Define the == operator for comparing two DictLists or for comparing a DictList and a dict for equality. We define the meaning of d1 == d2 as follows:
    • The keys in the left operand are the same as the keys in the right operand. Here, the keys in a DictList are all the keys appearing in any of the its dictionaries; the keys in a dict operand are all the keys in that dictionary (the standard meaning).


    • For all of the keys k computed above, d1[k] == d2[k]. [k] in a DictList is the value associated with k in the latest dictionary (the one with the highest index in the list); [k] in a dict is the value assocated with key k (the standard meaning).

    If the right operand is neither a DictList nor a dict, raise the TypeError exception with an appropriate message.

    For example, if d1 = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13)) and d2 = DictList(dict(a=1,b=12), dict(c=13)) then d1 == d2 is True: both have keys a, b, and c; and, both have ['a'] == 1, ['b'] == 12, and ['c'] == 13. For the same reasons, d1 == dict(a=1,b=12,c=13) would also be True.

    But d1 == dict(a=1,c=13) is False because the dict operand has no 'b' key; and d1 == dict(a=1,b=2,c=13) is False because the d1['b'] == 12 but the dict operand associates 'b' with the value 2.

    Hint: If you have implemented __getitem__ correctly (in part 7), use it here.

  15. Define the < operator for comparing two DictLists or for comparing a DictList and a dict for equality. We define the meaning of d1 < d2 as follows:
    • The keys in the left operand are a strict subset of the keys in the right operand. See above for the defintion of "keys". Strict subset means there are fewer keys in the left operand than the right operand (and every key in the left operand is also in the right operand).


    • For all of the keys k in the left operand, d1[k] == d2[k].

    If the right operand is neither a DictList nor a dict, raise the TypeError exception with an appropriate message.

    For example, if d1 = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13)) and d2 = DictList(dict(a=1,b=12), dict(c=13,d=14) then d1 < d2 is True: d1's keys (a, b, and c) are a strict subset of d2's keys (a, b, c, and d); for d1's keys, all have the same associated values in d1 and d2.

    But dict(a=1,x=13) < d2 is False because the d2 operand has no 'x' key; and dict(a=1,b=2) < d2 is False because the the dict operand associates 'b' with the value 2 but d2['b'] == 12.

  16. Define the > operator for comparing two DictLists or for comparing a DictList and a dict for equality. For any DictLists and dicts, di and d2, d1 < d2 exactly when d2 > d1. By defining both these operators, we can successfully compute expressions involving dicts as the first operand, like {} < d1 and {} > d1 and

    Note that the law of trichotomy does not hold for DictLists: one can have two DictLists where the first is not less than, equal to, or greater than the second.

  17. Define adding two DictLists and adding a DictList and a dict as follows.

    • To add two DictLists, create a new DictList with a list of dictionaries that contains a copy of all the dicts in the left DictList operand (in order) followed by a copy of all the dicts in the right DictList operand (in order).

      For example, if d1 = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13)) and d2 = DictList(dict(a='one',b='two'), dict(b='twelve',c='thirteen')) then d1+d2 would be equivalent to

        DictList({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'b': 12, 'c': 13}, {'a': 'one', 'b': 'two'}, {'b': 'twelve', 'c': 'thirteen'})
      and d2+d1 would be equivalent to
        DictList({'a': 'one', 'b': 'two'}, {'b': 'twelve', 'c': 'thirteen'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'b': 12, 'c': 13})
      So addition is not commutative for the DictList class: d1+d2 produces a different result than d2+d1.

      Note the use of copy in the specifications above: changing an argument dictionary after + should not affect the resulting dictionary. For example, if we declare d1 and d2 as above, and compute d = d1+d2 and then write d1['c'] = 'new' nothing is changed in d.

    • To add DictList + dict, create a new DictList with a list of dictionaries that contains a copy of all the dicts in the DictList operand (in order) followed by a copy of the dict operand.

      For example, if adl = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13)) and adict = dict(a='one',b='two') then adl+adict would return the equivalent to

        DictList({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'b': 12, 'c': 13}, {'a': 'one', 'b': 'two'})

    • To add dict + DictList, create a new DictList with a list of dictionaries that contains a copy of dict operand followed a copy of all the dicts in the DictList operand (in order).

      For example, if adl = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13)) and adict = dict(x='anx',b='two') then adict+adl would be return the equivalent to

        DictList({'x': 'anx', 'b': 'two'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'b': 12, 'c': 13})

    If the right operand isn't a a DictList or a dict, raise TypeError with an appropriate message.

  18. Define a __setattr__ method that ensures objects in the DictList class cannot store new attributes: they store only dl. The methods you will write should never bind any instance names (except in __init__, which initializes dl) but exclusively returns newly constructed DictList objects with the correct values. If an attempt is made to add new attributes to an object (by defining a new attribute or rebinding an existing attribute), raise an AssertionError with an appropriate message.

    Do not attempt to solve this part of the problem until all other parts are working correctly. If you fail to solve this part correctly comment out this method so that the other batch self-check tests pass.

  19. You may define other (helper) Python methods in this class, but you do not have to define any.


The module includes a script that does some simple DictList manipulations and then calls driver.driver(). The project folder contains a bsc2.txt file (examine it) to use for batch-self-checking your class. These are rigorous but not exhaustive tests. Incrementally write and test your class: writing some methods may create a pattern you can reuse for the others.

Note that when exceptions are raised, they are printed by the driver but the Command: prompt sometimes appears misplaced.

You can also test code you type into the driver as illustrated below; but if you want to perform the same test over and over again when debugging, it is better to put this code in the script before the driver is called. Notice the default for each command (printed in the square brackets) is the command previously entered.

  Driver started
  Command[!]: from dictlist import DictList
  Command[from dictlist import DictList]: d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13))
  Command[d = DictList(dict(a=1,b=2), dict(b=12,c=13))]: print(d)
  DictList({'b': 2, 'a': 1}, {'c': 13, 'b': 12})
  Command[print(d)]: print(d['b'])
  Command[print(d['b'])]: print(d('b'))
  [(0, 2), (1, 12)]
  Command[print(d('b'))]: print(d.collapse())
  {'c': 13, 'b': 12, 'a': 1}
  Command[print(d.collapse())]: print( (d+dict(b=22)).collapse() )
  {'c': 13, 'b': 22, 'a': 1}
  Command[print( (d+dict(b=22)).collapse() )]: quit
  Driver stopped