General and Special Trees In this lecture we will look at generalizations of simple binary trees (beyond BSTs, Heaps, and AVL trees). Specifically, we will see N-ary trees, for storing nodes that have an arbitrary number of childen; expression trees, for storing formulas, quadtrees for storing pictures, and digital trees for storing dictionaries (and Sets and Maps). In these trees we will also see examples of how to store a node's children by using the set, queue, priority queue, and map templated classes, and even by using just two pointers in a very special way (so, as in binary trees: a surprising result). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N-ary Trees with Templated Classes: To start, we will examine a simple way to store N-ary trees: trees that can have any number (N) of children. Each parent can have a differnt number of children. Examples of information that we can represent in N-ary trees are simple inheritance hierarchies (where each derived class can be extended by any number of classes, but each class still has a unique base class: smalltalk and Java use this kind of inheritance) and file structures (each folder can contain an arbitrary number of files and other folders). To store the later we might declare class Folder_or_File { public: Folder_or_File (bool item_is_file, std::string item_name, std::string item_contents) : is_file(item_is_file), name(item_name), contents(item_contents), children() {} bool is_file; std::string name; //for file or folder std::string contents; //used if is_file ics::ArraySet children; //used if !is_file }; which can represent an arbitrary file structure. There are actually few things missing from this class (like a default constructor, operator== and operator<< that are required for instantiating the ArraySet, but let's not worry about these details now; in fact, this is a good place to use a union structure). An example of how we can process such a structure, say to print all the names (files and folders) inside a folder (including names inside folders inside that folder, etc. indented for each folder level), is shown below: basically it implements a preorder traversal of an N-ary tree: process root before all children. Note the use of both interation (over the set) and recursion (for each value in the set) void print_names (const Folder_or_File& ff, std::string indent = "") { if (is_file) std::cout << indent <<; else { std::cout << indent <<; for (Folder_or_File f : ff.children) print_names(f, indent+" "); } } Here there is no nullptr base case, becaue there are no pointers. The base case is a leaf: a file, which has no children (its children set is empty, so the loop immediately stops without processing any children). We can "top-factor" the output (print in true/false parts of if) and simplify this code to void print_names (const Folder_or_File& ff, std::string indent = "") { std::cout << indent <<; if (!is_file) for (Folder_or_File f : ff.children) print_names(f, indent+" "); } In fact, because for anything that is a file, the set of children is always empty, we could simplify this code to the following (removing the if), where the loop would always execute 0 times for a file (because children.empty() is true). void print_names (const Folder_or_File& ff, std::string indent = "") { std::cout << indent <<; for (Folder_or_File f : ff.children) print_names(f, indent+" "); } If we wanted to store/print the children in alphabetical order, we could use a PriorityQueue instead of Set (or a Queue or Stack if simpler orders are appropriate) to organize the children. The for-each loop in the code above in print_names works regardless of the kind of templated class we use to implement children, because all template classes have similar-working iterators. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N-ary Trees embedded as Binary Trees: Interestingly enough, we can use a strange kind of binary tree (it has enough complexity) to store all the information in an N-ary tree! We would define such a class as follows template class NTN_Binary { public: NTN_Binary () : first_child(nullptr), next_sibling(nullptr) {} NTN_Binary (const NTN_Binary& n) : value(n.value), first_child(n.first_child), next_sibling(n.next_sibling) {} NTN_Binary (T value, NTN_Binary* fc = nullptr, NTN_Binary* ns = nullptr) : value(value), first_child(fc), next_sibling(ns) {} T value; NTN_Binary* first_child; //First for a linked list of children NTN_Binary* next_sibling; //Next in linked list of siblings }; Here we use the two "recursive" pointers differently than in a binary tree (where we represent pointers to left and right subtrees) and differently than in a doubly-linked list (where we represent previous and next pointers). So, this is a third, and different, two-pointer data structure. Each node points to its FIRST child and to its NEXT sibling. We can find all the children of a parent node by examining its first child and then examining all its siblings. Note that the root node is guaranteed to have no siblings, but all other nodes can have siblings (but don't have to: each can be an only child or just the last child in the sibling linked list). It is interesting to think about how a node with two pointers can be used to represent three such different structures as doubly-linked lists, binary trees, and N-ary trees, each with a very different uses of it pointers than the others. The picture accompanying this lecture shows the equivalent of a small directory represented with the NTN_Binary data structure. As a translation of the printing example above, we can write code that will print all values inside an NTN_Binary tree, indented, by using a preorder traversal of an N-ary tree). Here we print the value for a node, and then all the values reachable from its children. template void print_values (NTN_Binary* root, std::string indent = "") { if (root == nullptr) return; else { std::cout << indent << root->value; for (NTN_Binary* c= root->first_child; c != nullptr; c = c->next_sibling) print_values(c,indent+" "); } } Here we return to a data structure with pointers, so we have nullptr (an empty tree) as the base case. It prints its n subtrees by combining iterating over the n children of root (the first child and its siblings) with recursively printing each child of the root (and all its subtree information). In fact, we can rewrite this function purely recusively, which traverses the trees in the same (prefix: every node before its children) order. template void print_values (NTN_Binary* root, std::string indent = "") { if (root == nullptr) return; else { std::cout << indent << root->value; print_values(root->first_child,indent+" "); print_values(root->next_sibling,indent); } } Here we continue to check the base case root == nullptr, to terminate both recursive calls (the subtree call and the sibling call, which is checked as c != nullptr in the for loop above). Each node prints its own name, all the names reachable from its first child, and all the names reachable from its next sibling (which will include the next sibling's children, etc.). It might also be useful to add a parent pointer in the NTN_Binary class, so that every node could know/point to its unique parent. With such pointers we can traverse the tree in more interesting patterns (much like adding a prev pointer to a linear linked list to get a doubly-linked list). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quad Trees: We next will briefly discuss Quad trees, which we can use to represent pictures that are rendered (drawn) on the screen NOT from top to bottom, but from fuzzy to sharp. Also, for pictures that contain large areas of the same color, a Quad tree can store a picture more compactly than an array of pixels. In a Quad tree, each node has exactly 4 children. We can represent a quad tree to store a picture by class QTN { public: QTN (){} QTN (int s, int r, int g, int b, bool is_leaf) : size(s), avg_red(r), avg_green(g), avg_blue(b) { if (!is_leaf) children = new QTN[4]; } int size = 0; //represents a patch: size x size int avg_red = 0; // with a computed average RGB int avg_green = 0; // intensity of all the pixels int avg_blue = 0; QTN* children = nullptr;//nullptr or points to an array of 4 children } Each Quad tree node represent a square (we could store rectangles, but let's use squares to simplify things) of size^2 pixels. If the entire square has a uniform color, then the "avg" instance variables store its exact red, green, and blue pixel components, and the children field stores nullptr. Actually, even if the square is not one uniform color, the "avg" instances store the average amount of red, green, and blue for pixels). If the square is not a uniform color, the children divide the square into four quadrants (numbered 0-3), where each represents one quadrant of a child, whose vertical and horizontal size is 1/2 that of its parent (each of the 4 quadrants is 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4 the size of its parent). +--------+--------+ | | | | 0 | 1 | | | | +--------+--------+ | | | | 2 | 3 | | | | +--------+--------+ This process of creating children to represent the picture continues, at each level breaking its picture into four 1/4-sized pictures, until a child QTN is all one color. This might be because the quadrant is ONE SINGLE PIXEL (its base case), or it might be because the quadrant is a square of pixels with a UNIFORM COLOR, so no further subdivision is useful. By using a Quad tree we can render a picture, not so much top to bottom in full detail, but by refining each quadrant, quadrants in a quadrant, etc. until the entire picture is rendered. In this way the picture starts out as a blur at the root, but with the right approximate color distribution, and the picture gets sharper and sharper as we process each subtree (breadth first) in the picture, filling in more of its its details. This is accomplished with a breadth first traversal of the Quad tree, where we render the picture completely with one color at depth 0, then render each quadrant a depth 1 (four different color squares), then each quadrant of a quadrant a depth 2, etc. Each increase in depth can increase the number of squares by a factor of 4 and can improve the resolution by a factor of 4. Eventually we render squares that are a uniform color (either being 1x1 pixel or more pixels that are all a uniform color). Obviously, storing all the information in this tree can take more space than just storing all the pixels, but the space requirements can be less if many small (or a few large) squares store the same color. Let's do a simple analysis. We will assume the picture has N pixels and is an MxM square, where M is perfect power of 2. So, for example, M might be 2^10 (about 1,000), so N is 2^10 x 2^10 or 2^20 (about 1 million). Furthermore, lets assume adjacent pixels are always different (so the tree is full: each internal node has 4 children). There is no space saving; that would be the "worst case". The first question is, "how many depths can be in the tree": remember, the root is at depth 0. Well, there is 1 node at depth 0, 4 nodes at depth 1, 16 nodes at depth 2, etc. Generally, the number of nodes at depth d is 4^d. So, we want to know for what depth d, 4^d = N meaning every pixel appears by itself in a leaf node. Solving here, d = Log4 N. Likewise, the size of the square rendered at depth 0 is N; the size of each of the 4 squares rendered at depth 1, is N/2 x N/2 (or N/4 pixels), ...., the size of each square rendered at depth d is N/(4^d), so again, we get a rendering size of 1 (a single pixel) when N = 4^d, or d = Log4 N. Every node stores a red, green, and blue value (along with its rendering size, and 4 pointers to its subtrees). When we do a breadth first traversal of this tree, every node renders by duplicating its red, green, blue pixel values in a square of size. So the next question is, "how many renderings occur". This question is just asking how many internal and leaf nodes are in a quadtree of depth d (where every depth is fully filled). The answer is a sum of the number of nodes at each depth, or nodes = 1 + 4 + 16 + 64 + .... + 4^d-1 + 4^d If we multiply each side of this equality by 4, we get 4*nodes = 4 + 16 + 64 + .... + 4^d + 4^d+1 by subtracting the first equation from the second (each side) all but the first and last terms cancel, so we get. 3*nodes = 4^d+1 - 1, or nodes = (4^d+1 -1)/3 But, we know N = 4^d, so nodes = (4N-1)/3 Assuming N is big, we ignore the -1 and, nodes ~ 4N/3; certainly we can say the total number of nodes in a quadtree is O(N). So, to render all the nodes in the tree is 1/3 more work than rendering all N pixels (in the leaf nodes). Recall that in a full binary tree about 1/2 the nodes are leaves; in a quad tree (remember 4^d = N) number of leaf nodes/total number of nodes = 4^d / (4N-1)/3 ~ 4^d / 4N/3 = N / 4N/3 = 3/4 So, most (3/4 ths) of the number of nodes in a full quadtree are leaf nodes. The overhead of rendering the intermediate/internal nodes is just a fraction of the total number of pixels that are rendered in the final picture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expression Trees: Compilers first PARSE a program (using the syntax of the language) by converting it into a tree representing its syntactic structures/components. In this section we will use expression trees to represent and process expression. For example, given an expression we can use operator precedence and a stack to translate it into an expression tree and use a different stack to evaluate the tree easily: compute what value the tree represents. In the example below, we use just one class to store and process such trees; in reality, it would be useful to have a subclass for each different operator, but those many classes would obscure the main point I'm trying to make here. typedef TN Expr_Tree; Here std::string is either an operator ("*") or the string representation of an integer ("3"). Expression trees are drawn in the standard way (although we simplify things a bit by writing just * and 3 instead of their strings values. Note that when converting an expression to an Expr_Tree, the later an operator is applied, the higher it appears in the tree. So, we have the following examples. I have written all the character strings without quotes. 2 + 3 * 5 (2+3) * 5 1 + 2 + 3 + * + / \ / \ / \ 2 * + 5 + 3 / \ / \ / \ 3 5 2 3 1 2 Notice in the last example, because + is "left associative", the first + is evaluated before the second one. To be completely accurate in drawing expression trees, you must follow associativity rules for equal precendence operators. Note that there are no empty (nullptr) expression trees: the smallest expression a tree contains a value: e.g., new Expr_Tree("3",nullptr,nullptr). We will discuss in class, for a uniprocessor, that the number of time steps it takes to evaluate such an expression is equal to the number of internal nodes (each internal node specifies an operation) in the tree; for a multiprocessor with enough cores, it is the height of the tree (using the multiprocessor to simultaneously evaluate all nodes at a depth, going upward). Let us see some simple recursive code to evaluate an expression. Note that we can recognize an Expr_Tree as a base case value, if nullptr stored is stored in its left and right subexpressions. Note that if we introduced unary operators, the left subexpression for one would be nullptr but the right subexpression would refer to the value the unary operator operated on. I assume a function named str_to_int converts a string (like "3") to an int equivalent (3). int evaluate (Expr_Tree* e) { if (e->left == nullptr && e->right == nullptr) return str_to_int(e->value); else { if (e->value == "+") return evaluate(e->left) + evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "-") return evaluate(e->left) - evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "*") return evaluate(e->left) * evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "/") return evaluate(e->left) / evaluate(e->right); throw IllegalOperatorException(e->value + "is not an operator"); } } This code performs is a postorder traversal of a tree: computing the values of the left and right subtrees, then using knowledge of the operator at the root of the tree to return the correct result for the operator at the root applied to the values of the subtrees. Given a function is_int (which determines whether a string represents an int) we could extend this function to be able to process trees that specify strings representing variable names (any string that isn't representing an int). To compute the value of the variable, we could use a Map, where the keys in this map are variable names and the values in this map are the values stored in these variables. Such a map is called an "environment"; we can rewrite our evaluate code as follows: int evaluate (Expr_Tree* e, ArrayMap& env) { if (e->left == nullptr && e->right == nullptr) if (is_int(e->value)) return str_to_int(e->value); //->value represents int: e.g., "3" else return str_to_int(env[e->value]); //->value represent name: e.g., "x" else { if (e->value == "+") return evaluate(e->left) + evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "-") return evaluate(e->left) - evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "*") return evaluate(e->left) * evaluate(e->right); if (e->value == "/") return evaluate(e->left) / evaluate(e->right); throw IllegalOperatorException(e->value + "is not an operator"); } } Problem: What if we allowed the = operator (which changes the value assocciated with a variable and results in that new value); how could we update evaluate to include the semantics/meaning of this other operator? We could add the following code at the bottom of the operator-decoding if statements. Assume is_var determines if a string is a legal variable name and int_to_str returns the string representation of an int: int_to_str(3) returns "3". if (e->value == "=") //var = val if (!is_var(e->left->value) || !env.has_key(e->left->value)) throw IllegalVariableException(e->left->value + " is not a variable"); else { int right_value = evaluate(e->right); //computer rhs env[e->left->value] = int_to_str(right_value); //env[var] = val return right_value; //return val } We would require something similar for other state-change operators, like ++. We can also use variants of such trees (often with inheritance) to store code/ statements in a language: like a block class to store a sequence of statements; and if class to store a boolean expression, and two block classes (for what to execute when the test is true, and what to execute when the test is false). We could write function like evaluate (say, named execute) to execute the code we store as such trees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Digital Trees: Finally, we will examine Digital Trees (also known as "tries", pronounced as in the word reTRIEval -so just like "tree"). As an example we can use digital trees to store a dictionary of words for a spelling correction utility. The standard way to store such a structure would be as a Set of legal words. So far, the most efficient way we have seen to store such a collection is an AVL tree. Recall that an AVL tress is a special kind of BST that is guaranteed to be well balanced, so the time to search for a word (and add one and remove one) would be at worst O(Log N). Using a digital tree, we can reduce the complexity of many of its important operations (find, add, and remove) to O(1)! The time doesn't depend on the NUMBER OF WORDS stored in the digital tree; but it does depend on HOW MANY LETTERS ARE STORED in the word we are adding, removing, or inserting). So, we might say if a word contained M letters in a digital tree containing N values, the time to add/remove/insert is O(M), which is independent of N. Using this new way to characterize words, since each comparison in the AVL tree might requiring looking at all M letters in a word (string comparisons are letter by letter comparisons until there is a letter mismatch or one of the strings runs out of letters), we would then have to list the AVL tree's complexity, if using the same metric, as O(M Log N). So digital trees do save a factor of Log N. Although, the digital tree very often requires looking at ALL M characters, while comparisons in BSTs often find a difference in the first few letters. A digital tree means the value that we want to look up can be broken down into its "digits". For example, to look up the integer 153 we look at the digit 1, then the digit 5, then the digit 3; likewise, to look up the string "yes" we look at the "digit" "y", then the "digit" "e", then the "digit" "s". So, the characters are the "digits" for a string. To store a digital tree for processing Strings, we might represent it as follows. Note here, the children are collected in an ArrayMap, with each key a char and each value another DTN. class DTN { public: DTN (bool iw, std::string wth) : is_word(iw), word_to_here(wth), children() {} bool is_word; std::string word_to_here; //Cache this value; can computed from root ArrayMap children; } How do we add a word into a digital tree? We always start with a root DTN (whose is_word is alway false and whose word_to_here is "": the empty string). It represents a word of 0 characters (of which there aren't any!). To add a word, say "ant", we start at the root. If its children map contains the first letter, "a", we find the value DTN assocated with this letter: a subtree containing all the words starting with the letter "a". We then repeat this process again from there, with the next letter, "n". If we get to the end of the word and we have not needed to create a new DTN to reach that spot, we set is_word of that DTN is true. If at any time a DTN's children map does not contain the letter we need, we put that new letter into the map (with a value that is a DTN with its is_word false and its word_to_here containing all the needed letters) and follow it. So, if the root's children map DOES NOT contain the first letter, "a", we add to that map a key of "a" with a value DTN whose is_word is false and word_to_here is ""+"a" (the word_to_here of its parent, extended by its letter). We use this DTN to represent the root of a subtree whose children are all the words starting with "a". Then we repeat this process with all subsequent letters: for the last DTD, we set its is_word to true (since we have processed all the letters in a word) Note that each map will contain at most 26 entries, one for each possible letter in a word: we'll assume only lowercase letters; of course we could use both cases and increase the map's size at most to 52). In fact, we could use an array to store these 26 pointers: to look up character c we use the array indexed at c-'a' (C++ subtracts from the ASCII value of c the ASCII value of 'a': 'a'-'a' = 0, 'b'-'a' = 1, ... 'z'-'a' = 25. Using an array would be faster than any kind of map. Thus, the word "anteater" and "anthem" share the structure "ant", then in the children map for "ant", the key "e" leads to a DTN on the path to "anteater" and the key "h" leads to a different DTN on the path to "anthem". This sharing is illustrated in the picture below. root |a a -> node "a" false |n n -> node "an" false (unless "an" added) |t t -> node "ant" false (unless "ant" added) /e \h e -> node; h -> node "ante" false "anth" false |a |e ... "antea" false "anthe" false |t |m ... "anteat" false "anthem" true |e ... "anteate" false |r ... "anteater" true Note that there is one true for every word. If we put "a" in the digital tree above, the only change would be change the is_word from false to true in the child of the root. To search for a word, we use each of its letters, in sequence, to "get" the next DTN, until we either (a) cannot find a subtree with that key (word is not present), (b) run off the bottom of the tree (word is not present) or (c) get to the last letter of the word -in which case is_word tells whether or not it really is a word in the dictionary. That is, in the above example, looking up "anq" would return false (not in the three); "ant" would return true (in the tree, marked as a word); "anthemly" would return false (not in the tree); "anthe" would also return false (in the tree but not marked as a word). The function for this is easy to write. bool is_a_word (const DTN& root, std::string remaining_letters) { if (remaining_letters.empty()) return root.is_word; //all letters in tree; is it a word? else if (root.children.has_key(remaining_letters[0]) == false) return false; //some letters not in tree: it isn't a word else return is_a_word(root.children[remaining_letters[0]], //check the subtree remaining_letters.substr(1)); //for the next letter } Here remaining_letters[0] is a char that is the first letter (the key to the map, used to get to one of its subtrees), and remaining_letters.substr(1) is a std::string containing all but the first letter: both the tree and the string are getting "smaller" in each recursive call: the tree getting closer to a leaf base case; the string getting closer to the empty ("") base case. One will will be reached first. The algorithm for removing a word is a bit more subtle: we can search for the word and set its is_word to false; we can actually remove its DTN from the tree, but only if it has no children (otherwise removing the DTN would remove all its children, some of which might be words); we can do the same with its ancestors that are not words until we find a DTN whose is_word is true or a DTN that has other children or the root; from that point on we must leave this DTN in the tree so it and all its children words can be found. Note that there are lots of DTNs in a tree that don't represent words. So, in the tree above, if we remove "ant", we set its is_word to false and that is all we can do. But if we then remove "anteater", we get rid of DTNs with the words "anteater", "anteate", "anteat", "antea", "ante", but must stop there, because if we deleted the DTN with "ant", the digital tree would not store the word "anthem". We can use digital trees to represent sets and maps (for maps, instead of is_word, use an instance variable for the value associated with a key) and very quickly add/lookup/remove words in an N word tree, all in O(1) - or O(M) where the word we are processing has M letters. Finally, we will review the difference between a data type and a data structure. Recall that a data type is most like an abstract class in C++. It specifies the operations that one can perform, but makes no commitment as to how the information is represented or how the operations are accomplished. A data structure is most like a concrete class in C++. There can be many data structures that implement a data type, each using a different way to encode the data and perform the operations. Once a programmer solves a problem using data types, he/she can use any data structures implementing them to actually run the program. All data structures should produce the same result, but some will run faster than others, depending on the complexity class of their operations. Note that in the case of iteration, there is nothing specified about the order the values will be iterated over: we specify only that every value will be iterated over once. Of course if we need an order, we can use a priority queue to establish one. At the start, this course was all about Data Types (templated classes: Queue, Stack, PriorityQueue, Set, Map): we learned to solve problems using compositions of these data types, modeling the needed data and operations; then the course switched focus and we started studying the various ways to implement them (Arrays, Linked Lists, Heaps, Binary Search Trees, AVL trees, Digital Trees, and coming soon Hash Tables) where we also characterize these data structures by the complexity classes of their operations. Once we solve problems thinking about the needed data types (as in Program #1), we can easily interchange different data structures that implement these data types to find one that performs the best: typically we just replace information in an #include and typedef: typdef ArraySet<...> SetClass; with typdef BSTSet<...> SetClass; and use SetClass as the type for variables and parameters. But, note that constructors might be different too: an ArraySet has a constructor that specifies an int: how large of an array to allocate initially for storing the set. A LinkedSet would not have a constructor specifying an int value.