Linked Lists and Linked List Processing Introduction: This lecture reviews the basics of linked lists and linked list processing. You are expected to understand how to draw linked lists (both full and abbreviated pictures), how to update these drawings by hand simulating code that operates on linked lists (which is especially useful for debugging linked list code that you write), how to process linked lists by iterating over/traversing them (in a variety of ways), how add values at the front and rear of a linked list, how to search for and remove a value from a linked list, and how to copy a linked list efficiently. Here we use the term "linked list" to refer to what more formally be called a "linear linked list". In the next lecture we will examine simple linked list variants and their uses: circular lists, header/trailer lists, and doubly-linked lists. In that lecture we will also discuss using references to pointers and pointers to pointers in linked list processing. In a third lecture we will examine how linked lists are defined and processed recursively, which will also highlight using references to pointers. Linked List Basics: We will start by looking at a simple templated class named LN, which we use to represent List Nodes in a linearly-linked list: each LN object points to another LN object from that same class (the one that follows it in the list) -or to nothing (meaning this object is at the end of the list), represented by nullptr. This class declares two public instance variables, instead of private ones with accessor/setter methods: in this generic class, the setters would allow any value to be stored there, so setters aren't of much use (and would increase the syntactic complexity of writing code to process LNs). It also defines three public constuctors (default and copy) and another useful constructor that is called with two arguments: a value of type T and of type LN* (whose default value in nullptr). template class LN { public: LN () : next(nullptr){} LN (const LN& ln) : value(ln.value), next({} LN (const T& v, LN* n = nullptr) : value(v), next(n){} T value; LN* next; }; Although not universally agreed upon, I think this style (public instance variables) is easier to write code for, avoiding the extra syntax of doing method calls to examine and set these instance variables. Also, we often declare classes like LN to be nested classes inside another class (as we will in the linked-list implementations of data types in Programming Assignment #2), and therefore they can be manipulated only by the code in the outer class. We will examine an Object/Variable picture of a linked list built from this class, and a simplified picture that represents all the necessary information, but more compactly (if a bit more ambiguously). You should be able think in terms of both the full and abbreviated pictures, whichever is best for the visualization you need. Given such pictures, we should be able to understand how such data structures are accessed when using combinations of ->value and ->next; e.g., in the linked list shown, what is the type and value of x->next->next->value or x->next->next? What would happen if these appeared as lvalues (on the left hand side of an =): x->next->next->value = 10; x->next->next = nullptr; Every occurence of "->name" means "(a) follow the pointer before the arrow to the object that it refers to and (b) focus on the instance variable/box for that "name" (which might store a pointer to follow later). So, x->next both stores a value and is a location in which we can store a value. The -> operator is called "member (or instance) access". The statement x->next->next->value = 10 starts at pointer x; then it follows it to the list node it points to and focuses on the "next" instance variable (which is also a pointer); then it follows that to the list node it points to and focuses on the "value" instance variable, setting it to 10. The * operator is also used with pointers too, but less often than -> is used. Every occurence of "*" means just "follow the pointer before the arrow to the object that it refers to", which is just the first part of the -> operator. If we use *, we will typically process that whole object, or we then use the . (dot) operator to focus on the the instance variable/box for a name. The * operator is called indirection/dereference. In fact, (*x).value has the same meaning as x->value, so we often use the simpler x->value form, rather than the (*x).value form. Because . has higher operator precedence than *, we must use these parentheses to get the desired result. I have found that many students are just "faking" an understanding of how linked lists are accessed and updated. They really don't understand all the material in the previous paragraph, or how code accesses and mutates linked lists. They intuit the meaning of simple access, but cannot understand more complicated ones. They don't follow my recommendations to practice hand- simulating linked list code, so they ultimately have a very hard time writing (and even a harder time debugging) their linked list code. Iterating over Linked Lists: We will examine the concept of "cursors" and how they unify the processing of arrays (where cursors are ints) and linked lists (where cursors are pointers, which are actually int-like values that represent addresses that point to memory locations): in each case the cursor (a small piece of data) tells "where we are focussed" in a large data structure. With both we can use a standard "for" loop for traversing the entire data structure (focusing on each piece of data in the data structure, one after the other). Iterators implement a way to keep track of cursors for a data structure as they traverse it. array x: for (int i=0; i* p=x; p!=nullptr; p=p->next) ...access p->value Note that when inext means, and more generally what it means to copy any pointer value into a pointer variable. For the statement "p1 = p2;" the magic words are: "Make the box storing variable p1 refer/point to the same object that the box for the variable p2 refers/points to." Note that if p2 stores nullptr (refers/points to no object) then nullptr should be stored in p1 too (so that it also refers/points to no object). A statement like p1->next = p2; is interpreted very similarly, but here the box on the left side of the = is an instance variable in the object p1 refers to. So this assignment statement says "Make the box storing p1->next (which is the instance variable "next" in the object that variable p1 refers/points to) refer/point to the same object that the box for the variable p2 refer/points to. Finally, p = p->next means, "Find the object p refers/points to and examine the value of its "next" instance variable; store this pointer into p. The result is that p (a cursor) is advanced to index the next LN in the linked list (or ONE BEYOND the linked list). Of course, what the assignment "p1 = p2;" really does is copy the integer that is the pointer p2 into p1. The integer refers to the memory address of the object. But it is better at the beginning to ignore memory addresses and show pointers as arrows. Later, C++ references (i.e. &) make these pictures tougher to draw and interpret (but we will still do both; and both help us understand and debug the code we write). While the semantics of pointer assignments is not really complicated once you "get the hang of it", many students don't take the time to "get the hang of it". Such a misunderstanding makes it difficult to write and especially debug code (by hand simulation) that uses linked lists. There is little I want you to learn by rote this quarter, but learn these words by rote. Note that after p1 = p2; the test p1 == p2 evaluates to true: both variables refer/point to the same object. So, of course *p1 == *p2 is also true, because the state of the object p1 refers to is the same as the state of the object p2 refers to (what == means when applied to objects): because they refer/point to the same object! And typically == on objects (not pointers) computes whether the objects have the same state: their instance variables store the same values. So == on pointers is like Python's "is" operator and == on dereferenced pointers is like Python's == operator. Here are a series of code fragments/functions that process linked lists. All of the examples in this lecture use LN for simplicity. Most interesting details of linked procesing concerns the use of "next" not "value". Computing the length of a linked list (example 3) doesn't concern "value" at all. All of these operations traverse the linked list (visiting every LN). Almost all use the same for loop form: which is similar to doing each of these operations on an array, with an integer index rather than a pointer as a cursor. Assumes we have defined LN* l +---+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | --+-->| 5 | --+-->| 2 | --+-->| 7 | --+-->| 4 | / | +---+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ (1) Traverse a linked list, computing the sum of its values. If you truly understand how/why this code works, at the microscopic level, you are 70% of the way to a good understanding of linked lists. See the Picture link on the website showing all the changes to p and sum that occur when executing this code. int sum = 0; for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr; p = p->next) sum += p->value; std::cout << "Sum = " << sum << std::endl; It computes the value 18 for the list above. (2) Define a function to traverse a linked list, inserting each value on the cout output stream (with "->" between values, ending in "nullptr"); this is shown as overloading the operator <<. template std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& outs, LN* l) { for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr; p = p->next) outs << p->value << "->"; outs << "nullptr"; return outs; } std::cout << l; prints "5->2->7->4->nullptr" for the list above. We might use a function like this one for the str method defined for a linked list implementation of a data type. (3) Define a function to traverse a linked list computing its length: the number of LN objects reachable. template int length (LN* l) { int answer = 0; for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr ; p = p->next) ++answer; return answer; } length(l) returns 4 for the list above. To computes .size() for an array implementation of a data type, we must store the "used" in the array; but for linked lists we can actually compute this value (although caching it can be much faster for a long linked list, and caching one int doesn't occupy much space). (4) Define a function to traverse a linked list computing how often a certain value occurs in it. template int count_occurences (LN* l, T to_count) { int answer = 0; for (LN* p = l; p !=nullptr; p = p->next) if (p->value == to_count) ++answer; return answer; } count_occurrences(l,2) returns 1 for the list above. (5) Define a function to traverse a linked list computing whether or not it is in a sorted order. Recall that empty lists and lists with one value are sorted by definition: there are no "out of order" values. Sorted here means that the values are in non-decreasing order: subsequent values stay the same or get larger. For this function to compile/work correcly, operator> must be defined on type T. Algorithmically (after checking for a list of length 0 or 1), it checks whether any values are "out of order" and if so, returns false; if there are no "out of order" values it returns true after scanning the entire list. template bool is_sorted (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr || l->next == nullptr) //Shortcircuit || is critical here return true; T prev = l->value; for (LN* p = l->next; p != nullptr; prev = p->value, p = p->next) if (prev > p->value) return false; return true; } is_sorted(l) returns false for the list above. Recall that || is a short-circuit boolean operator: if the first condition is true, then the value of the entire boolean expression is known to be true, so the second condition isn't even tested/evaluated; if it were tested/evaluated, it would crash the program (see below), because l->next cannot be computed when l stores nullptr (the "follow the pointer to the object it points to" part fails, because it points to no object). Thus, the order in which the conditions are tested is very important to the test working correctly. Actually, we can simplify the code as template bool is_sorted (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return true; T prev = l->value; for (LN* p = l->next; p != nullptr; prev = p->value, p = p->next) if (prev > p->value) return false; return true; } Here, if l->next is nullptr (a one element list), the for loop executes 0 times (never executing its body), returning true (whereas the code at the beginning returns immediately, never reaching the loop). We can also write this code without the temporary "prev", by using the single pointer p to refer to a value (p->value) that is compared with the value following it in the the linked list (p->next->value). We should execute this test in the body of the loop only if p->next is not nullptr (testing that there is an object after the object p refers/points to). template bool is_sorted2 (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return true; for (LN* p = l; p->next != nullptr; p = p->next) if (p->value > p->next->value) return false; return true; } All these traversals (except the last) are written with simple and similar list-processing code. When we write code that processes a linked list, we should be able to prove that every time that we write "p->" inside the loop's body, then p is not nullptr (i.e., that p really points to some object). The typical continuation condition in a for loop that processes a linked list (the test: p!=nullptr) guarantees that the body of the loop can contain "p->" because the body is executed only if p is not nullptr. Likewise, in the last code fragment above, the continuation condition is p->next != nullptr, because the body refers to p->next->value; can you argue/prove that p is never nullptr when this condition is checked/evaluated? If we ever execute "p->...." when p stores nullptr, the C++ program does not throw an exception: it crashes. On Windows I get a popup window saying that ...exe has stopped working. To ensure maximum speed, C++ does not check that a pointer if nullptr before following it; Python and Java do, and therefore throw an exception that can be caught and handled. When a nullptr is followed in C++, it causes the program to terminate by crashing. So, C++ runs code more quickly, but when the code is incorrect can crash the program with little useful information about why. C++ will run correct code as fast as possible; programmers should never make this mistake (dereference a nullptr), and if they do, they will receive no nice error indication. Recall that C++ has the following "conditional expression" syntax. Actually, the () are not required, but they are useful to contain this conditional expression when other operators apply to the value of the condition expression. (boolean expression ? ValueIfTrue : ValueIfFalse) Conditional "expressions" are sometimes a shorter and simpler to understand version of a conditional "statement": the if statement. Often a question arises about which is "faster": I don't know, but they probably run at about the same speed. The benefit of a conditional expression derives from whether it simplifies the code or not, compared to an "if statement" which is the typical alternative. Note that expressions compute values; statements execute, typically causing state-changes. Building Lists: We will now write code fragments to add a value to the front of a list and at the rear of a list. In this way we can build any list we want, with the values in any order. Inserting a new LN at the front of a linked list moves every node back by one in the linked list, without changing any other pointers. Inserting a node at the rear of a linked list requires traversing the list, skipping unti we point to the last LN, and then appending a new LN after it. Of course, we can always cache a pointer to the last node in a non-empty list, to access it immediately. Constrast the code below with adding a new value at the front and rear of an array (assuming we need to retain the order of the values). For a list, we can add a LN at the front by changing one pointer; for an array we must first move every value in the array to the next higher index, opening up index 0 in which we put the new value. Such shifting can be inefficient if the array contains many values. Of course, if the length of the array is not big enough to include another value at its front, we must construct a new array with a larger length and copy all the original array values to it (although we can copy each value to an index one bigger here, rather than copy all values first and then skip all values). The code to add a node storing some_value at the front of LN* x; is just x = new LN(some_value, x); This code works whether x points to an empty list (stores nullptr) or whether x stores a pointer to the first node in a list with any number of values following it. Paraphrased, x now points to a new node storing the value some_value, whose next instance variable points to the list that x originally pointed to. Draw some examples of lists (empty and not) and hand simulate this code on them to ensure you completely understand it. Yes, I really mean this. Serious, I really do mean it. I still mean it. If you haven't done this do it now. The opposite is true for adding at the rear of a linked list/array data structure: for a linked list, we must skip over every node starting from the front of the list to find the rear node of the list; for an array we typically know the index of the last value and put the new value one beyond the end, so we do not have to examine any other values in the array. Of coure, if the length of the array is not big enough to include another value at its end, we must construct a new array with a larger length and copy all the original array values to it. In fact, for adding a value at the rear of a linked list, we need two cases. If the list is empty, we must store the new pointer in x (in this case the rear becomes the front too); if the list is not empty, we must store the new pointer in the ->next instance variable of the node currently at the rear of the list (the node whose ->next stores nullptr). This code is if (x == nullptr) x = new LN(some_value); //Default argument for 2nd parameter is nullptr else { LN* p = x; for (; p->next != nullptr; p = p->next) or while (p->next!=nullptr) {} p = p->next; p->next = new LN(some_value); } Notice two important things about the code in the else block 1. We must declare p BEFORE/OUTSIDE the for loop, because we use it AFTER the for loop terminates (outside the loop). Variables declared inside a loop can be accessed only by code inside the loop's body. 2. We terminate the for loop when p refers to the LAST NODE in the linked list; the last node is the only one whose ->next is nullptr. In this case we DO NOT stop when p == nullptr (as we did for all the query code); that would mean p has gone too far (ONE BEYOND the last list node): we have run off the linked list and have lost the pointer to the last node, whose "next" we are trying to change, by making "next" point to a new node. We stop when p points to the last node in the list, the unique node whose ->next is nullptr. We could also write the else clause as follows, declaring p inside the loop, and updating it in the loop body before breaking out of the loop. else for (LN* p = x; /*see body for explicit termination*/; p = p->next) if (p->next == nullptr) { p->next = new LN(some_value); break; } We could encapsulate these code fragments into functions and then call either x = add_front(x,some_value); or x = add_rear(x,some_value); in both cases it is critical to store the returned value in x, because if x is empty (stores nullptr) unless we store a value into x it will not change (but we will see how to use & references to solve this problem for functions in the next lecture). template LN* add_front(LN* l, const T& value) { //O(1) complexity class return new LN(value,l); } template LN* add_rear(LN* l, const T& value) { //O(N) complexity class if (l == nullptr) return new LN(value); //Default argument for 2nd parameter is nullptr for (LN* p = l; /*see body for explicit termination*/; p = p->next) if (p->next == nullptr) { p->next = new LN(value); break; } return l; } or template LN* add_rear(LN* l, const T& value) { if (l == nullptr) return new LN(value); //Default argument for 2nd parameter is nullptr LN* p = l; for (/*See above*/; p->next != nullptr; p = p->next) // or while (p->next != nullptr) {} // p = p->next; p->next = new LN(value); return l; } Here is a simple (but slow) function that puts the code above into a simple loop to store all the values in an array into a linked list, preserving the order, by using add_rear. We could write a simlar function to read the values from a file. template LN* build_linked_list_simple(T values[], int length) { LN* front = nullptr; for (int i=0; i LN* build_linked_list_backward_with_reversed_array(T values[], int length) { LN* front = nullptr; for (int i=length-1; i>= 0; --i) front = add_front(front,values[i]); return front; } We briefly discussed caching when we discussed the size method in the ArraySet class. Caching is a classic "space for time" tradeoff: we use extra space to store (and update) a precomputed value so that we don't have to recompute it. In ArraySet, we stored the instance variable used, so the size method can just return this value; it doesn't have to count the number of values stored in the array each time we need to compute the size. Whenever we added or removed a value from the array, the code incremented/decremented this counter. Likewise, we often cache the size of a list implementing a data type (rather than scanning the list to compute the size). If we need to repeatedly add a value at the rear of a linked list, we can also cache a pointer to the last node in the linked list, so we can quickly add a new node at the rear (and then the new node becomes the new rear). With such a cached value we never have to traverse the linked list to find its last node; we've already precomputed it each time we need it, and update it when it changes. Here is a variation of the "build_linked_list_simple" function that accomplish the same result but more efficiently. template LN* build_linked_list_fast(T values[], int length) { if (length == 0) return nullptr; LN* front = new LN(values[0]); //length != 0 so at least one value LN* rear_cache = front; for (int i=1; inext = new LN(values[i]); return front; } Notice that rear_cache = rear_cache->next = new LN(values[i]); uses a chained = to extend the linked list with a new node: the new node is now the only one in the linked list whose ->next is nullptr, and rear_cache refers to it, and extends the linked list on the next iteration by storing something new into its next. We could accomplish these same two action by two statements rear_cache->next = new LN(values[i]); rear_cache = rear_cache->next; but they would have to be executed in this order (why?) In build_linked_list_fast, each loop iteration requires just a constant amount of work, O(1), so building an N node linked list is N*O(1) = O(N). The build_linked_list_fast function cries out to be hand simulated on a small example (say building a list with 4-6 list nodes). Do so. Finally, if we are inside a Queue implementation that stores a linked list using the instance variable "front", as well as a cache instance variable "rear", we can easily enqueue a value at the rear by using the following code. By using "front" and "rear" we have covered both hot-spots in a Queue: the front where values are dequeued and the rear where values are enqueued. int enqueue (const T& element) { if (front == nullptr) front = rear = new LN (element,nullptr); else rear = rear->next = new LN(element,nullptr); ...other code for stuff like ++used and ++mod_count } Linked list processing isn't easy, so you should check the code you write by doing small hand simulations of it, in a few different situations. Following this advice will improve your ability to hand simulate linked list code quickly and improve your ability to debug linked list code. We will spend some time simulating the following code. It is not obvious what it does, but we should be able to update the picture by executing this code to learn what it does. Doing so quickly and accurately proves that we have a good understanding of the basic operations on linked lists. Assume LN* x and x points to a linked list with 4 or 5 values. LN* answer = nullptr; while (x != nullptr) { LN* to_move = x; x = x->next; to_move->next = answer; answer = to_move; } x = answer; More Linked List Processing: (1) The following function searches an unordered linked list looking for a specified value. We use just the standard for loop to traverse it, and return a pointer to the first node found that contains the searched-for value (there may be many such nodes with that value). Note that we use nullptr just as we use -1 when returning array indexes: it means the value was not found. template LN* find (LN* l, T to_find) { for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr; p = p->next) if (p->value == to_find) return p; return nullptr; } For an ordered linked list (assume an ordering of values smallest to largest) we can also stop and report a failure as soon as we examine a value strictly greater than the one that we are searching to find (or, of course, if we run out of nodes to examine). The continuation condition in the resulting for loop is more complicated, but it can terminate more quickly (without examining every value in the linked list, unlike in the case of an unordered list). template LN* find (LN* l, T to_find) { for (LN* p = l; p != nullptr && p->value <= to_find; p = p->next) if (p->value == to_find) return p; return nullptr; } Notice that the continuation condition is that both (a) p != nullptr, and (b) p->value <= to_find. Recall that && is a short-circuit boolean operator: if the first condition is false, then the value of the entire boolean expression is known to be false, so the second condition isn't even tested; if it were tested, it would crash the program, because p->value cannot be computed when p stores nullptr. Thus, the order in which the conditions are tested is very important to the test working correctly. (2) The following function removes the first node storing a specific value from a linked list. What is most interesting here is that when we remove a node, we we must change the ->next instance variable in the node BEFORE the one that we are removing: if (see the picture) we remove the node storing the value 7, then we must change the ->next in the node storing the value 2, making its ->.next refer to the node containing 4 (the ->next in the node storing the value 7). Thus, if we now follow the links, we visit nodes storing 5 then 2 then 4. Also interesting is that we DON'T do this if the node we want to remove is at the front of the linked list (instead we change l to point to the second list node). There are two basic approaches to solving this "node before" problem: the first uses look-ahead: a single pointer that checks values "one after" the node it currently points to; when it finds the node to remove one ahead, it changes the ->next in the node to which it points. That code is template LN* remove_lookahead (LN* l, T to_remove) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; if(l->value == to_remove) { LN* to_delete = l; l = l->next; delete to_delete; }else{ for (LN* p = l; p->next != nullptr; p = p->next) if (p->next->value == to_remove) { LN* to_delete = p->next; p->next = p->next->next; delete to_delete; break; } } return l; } ----- delete interlude: PC/Mac Incompatibility based on "undefined" behavior Note that we use delete [] to deallocate (return to heap managed storage) an array of values; we use delete to deallocate (return to heap managed storage) an object like LN. Once we delete an object (delete the object a pointer points to) we should NEVER follow that same pointer (or anything else leading to the deallocated object) to access data stored in the deallocated object: that object is "gone" and trying to access its data is "undefined" (which we have seen before: no behavior is guaranteed by all C++ compilers). On Macs, we can often get to a deallocated object and use its values (although we NEVER SHOULD); on a PC, doing so would immediately and silently terminate the program. We are grading on PCs, so Mac users should be very careful that they do not use information in deallocated objects: such code might work on their computer, but will not work on the grader's computer. ----- As with add_front and add_rear functions, this remove function returns a pointer to the head of the list in which the removal occurred. It should be called like x = remove_lookahead(x,value); As with the code for adding at the rear of a list, there is a special case for (a) an empty linked list (l == nullpt) and here there is a special case for (b) for removing a value that happens to be the first value in a linked list. Note that we explicitly delete (recycle the storage for) the LN containing the to_remove value. Try hand simulating this code on an empty list, and a 4-6 node linked list, removing the first, last, some middle value, and the end value. Especially interesting is the code p->next = p->next->next; which says put into the next field in the node p refers to, whatever is in the next field of the node coming after the node that p refers to; this removes from the linked list the node after the one p refers to. The second approach to solving this "node before" problem is to use an extra variable: p to traverse through the nodes in the linked list looking for the node with the value to remove, and a second variable (prev) that remembers where the first one "just was" (sometimes called a ghost pointer). It is the ->next field in the node referred to by this prev variable that is changed. template LN* remove_ghost (LN* l, T to_remove) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; if(l->value == to_remove) { LN* to_delete = l; l = l->next; delete to_delete; }else{ LN* prev = l; for (LN* p = l->next; p != nullptr; prev = p, p = p->next) if (p->value == to_remove) { prev->next = p->next; delete p; break; } } return l; } Notice the initialization and update part of the for (...) initializes/updates two pointers, not just one (the is_sorted function used this double update too; in fact the first version of is_sorted used something like a "ghost" pointer; the second version used a lookahead pointer). The variable prev always refers to the node one before the variable p refers to. Note that we delete (recycle the storage for) the LN containing the to_remove value. (3) The following function copies an N node linked list in O(N), by caching the rear of the list (as we did in build_linked_list_fast). note that we do not copy the value stored in the linked list, but create a new link list that shares those values. template LN* copy (LN* l) { if (l == nullptr) return nullptr; LN* front = new LN(l->value); //Guaranteed to exist: l != nullptr LN* rear_cache = front; for (l = l->next; l != nullptr; l = l->next) rear_cache = rear_cache->next = new LN(l->value); return front; } Another way to read data from a file and put it into a linked list in that order, or copy a linked list, is to read/copy it in reverse (adding new values at the front, not the rear, and then reverse all the list nodes in the linked list. (4) The following function determines whether two linked lists store the same values in the same order. It requires traversing both linked lists simultaneously (stopping when either is exhausted): any unequal values mean the linked lists are unequal; and if one is exhausted before the other, they are unequal. Said another way, they are equal if they have the same size and all the same values in the same order. template bool equals (LN* l1, LN* l2) { for (; l1 != nullptr && l2 != nullptr; l1 = l1->next, l2 = l2->next) if (l1->value != l2->value) return false; return l1 == nullptr && l2 == nullptr; } In the next lecture we will see how & references can simplify writing some of the linked list processing code written here. Java/Pythong don't support & references so the code here is as simple as Java/Python linked list processing code gets. In the next lecture we will also learn about some special kinds of linked lists that are not linear linked lists: circular linked lists, header/trailer linked lists, and doubly linked lists. In a third lecture we will examine recursion and see how linked lists are defined and processed recursively. Suprisingly, once you get the hang of writing recursive functions, they are often easier to write than iterative ones. Later, when we study sorting, we will see algorithms that work well for sorting array and linked list representations of data.