Sorting: Analysis of O(N^2) Sorts (and Stability) Sorting is one of the most studied problems in Computer Science. Hundreds of different sorting algorithms have been developed, each with relative advantages and disadvantages based on the data being truly random or partially ordered, and other features, some of which we will discuss below. We will start our discussion of sorting by covering general characteristics (applied to each algorithm we later examine), simple O(N^2) algorithms, more complicated O(N Log2 N) algorithms, non-trivial lower bounds for "comparison" based sorting, and finally sorting methods that do not use comparisons: their complexity classes, and how to interpret them. First, we will often examine the following sorting characteristics for the algorithms discussed below. 1) The complexity class of the algorithm (normally worst-case, but sometimes average-case and sometimes even best case too) 2) The amount of extra storage needed to run it. If just O(1) extra storage is needed (not proportional to N, the size of the array being sorted), we call the sorting method "In Place". In fact, we will call it "in place" if it uses O(Log2 N) space as well, because this number is << N for large N. 3) The number of comparsions and data movements needed to sort. For example, it we are sorting a huge amount of information on an external memory that is non-random access (say a hard disk) the cost of a comparison might be a small fraction of the moving data, so we'd prefer an algorithm that does more of the former and less of the later. This won't change its complexity class, but it can have a large impact on its actual performance. We will discuss sorting huge amounts of data on external storage the last week of course. 4) Is the algorithm stable: do equal values in the array keep their same relative order in the sorted array as in the original array. Stability is sometimes useful (e.g., when sorting data based on multiple keys), but there is often a price to pay for it (increased execution time). ----------- Illustrating and Using Stability: Stability is useful, for example, in the following situation. Imagine we have an array of objects that store a student's name and grade. We want to sort the array by grade (first all A students, then all B students, etc.), but with all students who have the same grade listed in alphabetical order. With a stable sorting algorithm we can do this easily as two sorts: one on each key. First, assume the original array contains the following pairs of data in each object (Name-Grade). Bob-A Mary-C Pat-B Fred-B Gail-A Irving-C Betty-B Rich-F 1) Sort on the minor/secondary key (name) first; we don't care whether or not the sort is stable (and in this case, none of the names are equal); so the result is Betty-B Bob-A Fred-B Gail-A Irving-C Mary-C Pat-B Rich-F 2) Sort on the primary/major key (grade) using a stable sort. So, for example, since Betty (grade B) is to the left of Fred (grade B) who is to the left of Pat (grade B), for data with those equal keys of B (when sorting by grade, with a stable sort), this order will be maintained in the newly sorted array: Betty to the left of Fred, Fred to the left of Pat, and all those names will move together based on all having a grade of B (after all with an A grade; before all with a C grade). Bob-A Gail-A Betty-B Fred-B Pat-B Irving-C Mary-C Rich-F Thus, the information is finally sorted by grade, with all those students with the same grade (sub)sorted by name (which was done in the first sort). Another way to accomplish this same ordering is by sorting once, but with a more complicated operator< (instead of sorting twice, with two simple operator<). Use an operator< such that if the grades are different, the better (lower in the alphabet) one is smaller; but if they are the same, the one with the smaller (earlier in the dictionary) name is smaller. So when comparing Betty-B and Bob-A, the grades are different so Bob-A comes first; when comparing Betty-B and Fred-B, the grades are the same but Betty's name is smaller (comes before in the dictionary ordering) Fred's name. Here is the operator< assuming std::string fields .name and .grade in a class called Student bool operator< (const Student& a, const Student& b) { if (a.grade < b.grade) return true; else if (a.grade > b.grade) return false; else /* if a.grade == b.grade */ return <; //or, //return (a.grade != b.grade ? a.grade < b.grade : <; } } ----- Not available in C++ yet; but there is a Java version. In the spirit of empirical investigation, I have written a small driver that serves as a testbed for sorting application. It is available off the Programs link for the course (Sorting). It allows us to time various sorting algorithms on various sized-data with various orderings (including random). ----- ----------- Simple to Code O(N^2) Sorts In Selection Sort, the left part of the array is correct (sorted with the final values there) and the right is unknown. Each iteration around the outer loop ensures the sorted part expands by one index (on the left of the boundary between sorted/unsorted) and the unsorted part shrinks by one index (on the right of that boundary). The algorithm scans forwards from the 1st unsorted index to the end of the array to find the smallest remaining value in the array, then it swaps that value with the one in the first unsorted index. 1) Worst is O(N^2), best is O(N^2), and average is O(N^2) 2) In-place O(1): needs a few extra local variables in the method 3) O(N^2) comparisons; O(N) swaps 4) Unstable (swapping can move values many array indexes, over other values) template void selection_sort(T a[],int length) { for (int index_to_update=0; index_to_update in their correct indexes meaning the values at indexes 0-2 are sorted (with the 3 smallest array values, in order) and the values at indexes 3-9 are unsorted; this loop scans all of the unsorted values to find the smallest one, and immediately after the end of this loop, the code swaps it with the value in the first unsorted index (3). So, the value at array index 3 will store the next biggest value and the dividing line will moved one to the right and be between 3 and 4. Note the body of the inner for-loop is executed N-1 times (N = length) times when index_to_update is 0; N-2 times when index_to_update is 1; N-3 times when index_to_update is 2; ... 0 times when index_to_udate is N-1. So, the total number of times it executes is the sum: 0+1+2+...+(N-1) = N(N-1)/2 by a formula we studied previously. Note that the body of the inner loop does one comparison and at most one data movement (moving an int: i to index_of_min); each time the inner loop is finished, the body of the outer loop finally moves/swaps two data values in the array. Some students might want to rewrite the swapping by embedding it in an if statement, to "avoid doing extra work": if (index_to_update != index_of_min) std::swap(a[index_to_update], a[index_of_min]); adding extra code to avoid swapping a value with itself (in such a case, the swap code will execute correctly, but ultimately makes no changes in the array). The problem with this code is that to save doing a swap that is SOMETIMES unneeded, we must ALWAYS do a comparison of indexes in the if. Suppose that the comparison takes 1 computer operation and the swap takes 3; also suppose that when sorting 1,000 values, 95% of the time index_to_update is not equal to i. Then, the original code takes 3,000 instructions (always swapping for 1,000 values). The conditional code takes 1,000 instructions to test whether to swap, and swaps 950 times (so takes 1,000+3*950 = 3,850 computer instructions, compared to the 3,000 done by the "always swap" way). So, the extra code isn't really an "improvement". In contrast, when sorting an array that is already sorted, the updated code takes only 1,000 instructions because it never swaps. So the preconditioning of the data makes a difference. How about stability? If you sort the following tiny array (currently sorted by name) by grade Betty-B Fred-B Gail-A The first swap will be Betty-B and Gail-A (the smallest), which inverts the order of the "equal" keys Betty and Frd. The final result will be Gail-A Fred-B Betty-B which still has inverted the order of Betty-B and Fred-B, so selection sort is unstable. This algorithm moves data too radically in the array. Generally, swapping the value at index_to_move (on the left) with the one at index_of_min (anwhere to the right) might make the new value at index_to_move move be to the left of other values that are equal to it (between index_to_move and index_of_min). This algorithm works equally well for arrays and linked lists (with slight changes in code). It runs in about the same amount of time no matter what the ordering in the original array. Also note that it is an offline algorithm: it requires all the data be present in the array before it can start: it looks at all the data to determine what belongs at index 0. ---------- In Insertion Sort, again the left part of the array is sorted (although it doesn't have its final values until the last iteration), but and the right is unknown. Each iteration around the outer loop ensures the sorted part expands by one index (on the left of the boundary between sorted and unsorted) and the unsorted part shrinks by one index (on the right of the boundary). The algorithm moves/swaps the value in the 1st unsorted index backwards, until it is >= the value before it. So, only data in the sorted part changes. Note that unlike selection sort, the left part does not immediately have its values in their final, correct place: the left part contains some subset of the array values, but that subset is always sorted. Eventually it contains all the array values, sorted. 1) Worst is O(N^2), best is O(N), average is O(N^2) 2) In-place O(1): needs a few extra local variables in the method 3) O(N^2) comparisons; O(N^2) swaps 4) Stable template insertion_sort(T a[], int length) { for (int index_to_move=0; index_to_move=0; --i) if ( a[i] > a[i+1] ) std::swap(a[i], a[i+1]); else break; } When index_to_move is 3, we have 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ^ <- Sorted, but not required to | Unsorted -> be in their correct indexes meaning the values at indexes 0-2 are sorted (although, unlike Selection Sort they might not yet contain the 3 smallest array values!) and indexes 3-9 are unsorted; this loop swaps the value at index 3 backwards until it is in index 0 or >= the value to its left, so at the end of this loop, the array indexes 0-4 will be in order (although they might not yet contain the 4 smallest array values!) and the dividing line will be between 3 and 4. Note the body of the inner for-loop is executed at most 0 times when index_to_move is 0; at most 1 time when index_to_move is 1; ... at most N-1 times when index_to_move is N-1 (when N = length). So, the most number of times it executes is the sum 0+1++2+...+(N-1) = N(N-1)/2 by a formula we studied previously. Note that the body of the inner loop does one comparison and at most one swap of a pair of data values each time it executes. In the best case (where the entire array is completely sorted), each value in index_to_move will already be bigger than the one before it, so the inner loop will immedately break, requiring just a total of N comparisons (one for each iteration in the outer loop) and no data movement in the best case. If some values in the array are equal, the one on the right will move left, but stop to the right of any equal values (see the break, controlled by the ">" operator). There is no "severe" swapping; only adjacent values are swapped. This means that the Insertion sorting method is stable. So, this method in the worst case does the same number of comparisons as in Selection sort, but is likely to do many more swaps than Selection sort, and therefore it has a higher constant. But if we know the array is sorted (or very close to being sorted: where no values are far away from where they belong) this method is O(N), whereas selection sort is always O(N^2) -worst, best, and average case. This means if we know something about the data (like it is almost sorted) it means that we might prefer this algorithm over the previous one (in fact, if the data is almost sorted, this algorithm beats the O(N Log N) algorithms. There is a better variant of this algorithm, which is a bit more complicated to write, but has better performance: it does half the data movements by caching the value to move and translating swaps into single data movements. 1) Worst is O(N^2), best is O(N), average is O(N^2) 2) In-place: needs a few extra local variables in the method 3) O(N^2) comparisons; O(N^2) swaps (although here it moves just once piece of data in the inner loop; by not swapping, less work is done; so at worst it still does O(N^2) data movements) 4) Stable template insertion_sort(T a[], length) { for (int index_to_move=0; index_to_move=0; --i) if ( a[i] > to_move ) a[i+1] = a[i]; //Single assignment, not swapping else break; a[i+1] = to_move } } This version caches the value a[index_to_move] and then shifts to the right all value > that to_move; finally, it stores to_move in the correct place. In both versions we can start index_to_move at 1, because inserting the value at index 0 requires no comparisions or movement: it is already inserted in the correct place. If the length is 1, then, the outer loop immediately terminates because all 1 length arrays are sorted. Insertion sort also works for doubly linked lists, but not simply for linear linked lists (note the inner for loop is incrementing backwards); but, if we remove each value from the first list and insert it into a second list (so that the second list is always sorted), this algorithm works for simple linked lists (although a sorted list takes O(N^2) comparisons while the a list sorted in reverse order takes only O(N)). Finally, note that it is an online algorithm: it doesn't require that all the data be present in the array before it can start sorting: as each new value is "added in the right part of the array", the algorithm can move it backward to its correct position in the left part of the array. When the final piece of data appears, the array to the left can be completely sorted, and sorting the entire array (with the new piece of data) requires O(N) operations. Is there any situation where Selection Sort is better than Insertion Sort? Note that Selection Sort does O(N) swaps in the worst case, while Insertion Sort does O(N^2). So, if we have an array filled with very large records, but comparing records uses just a small amount of time (so comparing is much faster than swapping) then Selection Sort may operate faster than Insertion Sort. Also, suppose that the sorting is done in one process, which passes its result along to another process. Selection Sort computes the smallest value in the array after the first pass over the data (so it could be sent to the next process at that time); the same for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. smallest values. But Insertion Sort is not guaranteed to know the smallest value until its last pass over the data: the smallest value might be in the last array index. If you run the program associated with this lecture that collects empirical data, you will find that Insertion Sort is typically faster than Selection Sort (runs in about 60% of the time). That should make sense, as Selection Sort always does N*(N-1)/2 comparisons, but on average Insertion Sort will do only half as many (assuming on average we Insert each value backward through about half of the previous indexes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not a big fan of animations, but you might want to check out the sorting animations at I think these animations are better on the O(N^2) algorithms, which are pretty easy to visualize without a computer anyway. Recently I have also been made aware of various folk dancing troups dancing sorting algorithms: google "dancing sorting algorithms" or something similar.