Sorting: O(N) Sorting without Comparisons In this lecture, we will examine two sorting methods that do NOT use comparisons between values to sort the data. So, they are not constrained by the lower bound proved in the previous lecture. The algorithms are called Bucket Sort and Radix Sort. Both are a bit strange; they work well for integers (and Radix Sort for Strings) but don't work well for other kinds of data (e.g., anything that is not "digital", in the same sense as a digital tree). Bucket Sort: Bucket Sort allows us to sort N data values, where each lies in the range 0-M in time O(N+M). Note that if we don't know the range of integers, we can scan the array first, to find the smallest and biggest one, and scale everything between those two values: scan the array (O(N)) to find S, the smallest value and B, the biggest value, scan it again (O(N)) subtracting S from every value (the range will be 0 to B-S), then sort these values using Bucket Sort (using an array of B-S+1 elements), then scan it a final time (O(N)) adding S to every value. The scaling and unscaling processes are each O(N) (adding three O(N) passes to the data: more time but the same complexity class). We will analyze a few problems with various sizes of N and M below, to get a better understanding of what O(N+M) means. For a first example, suppose that we needed to sort 1,000 exam scores, all in the range 0 to 100 (so N = 1,000 and M = 100). First, here is the psuedo-code for this algorithm. It uses an array much like a histogram (keeping track of the number of times a specific data value is seen in the array to be sorted). 1) Declare an int histogram array with indexes/buckets 0 to 100 and initialize each to 0 (there has been 0 of each index value seen so far). 2) Look at every data value in the array to sort, and increment by 1 the index (specified by that data value) in the histogram array. So, if 78 was the next data value in the array to sort, increment the histogram array at index 78. 3) Scan the entire histogram array from 0 to 100; whenever we get to an index that stores c (with c != 0), put c values of that index into the next positions in the array to sort (starting from the beginning, replacing the values already in the array). Step 1 is O(M), based only on the range of values (number of 0s we need to store in the array indexes) and not on N, the number of values to sort. Step 2 is O(N), based only on the number of values to sort, not the range of values. For each of the N values, we can access index i in an array in O(1) time to increment it. Step 3 is O(N+M), based both on N, the number of values to sort (since we are putting each into the sorted array), and M, the range of values (since we must scan through each bucket, whether or not it contains a values != 0). Looking at raw numbers, Step 1 requires 100 operations, Step 2 requires 1,000 operations, and Step 3 requires 1,100 operations (so the total operations is about 2,200). If we just sorted the array using an O(N Log2 N) algorithm (with a constant of 1), it would require about 10,000 operations. So here bucket sort looks pretty good, by a factor of 5 (although the concept of "operations" is a bit fuzzy here). For a second example, suppose that we needed to sort 1,000,000 values from 0 up to 1 billion (so N = 1,000,000 and M = 1,000,000,000). Here N << M (N is much less than M, by a factor of 1,000). We would 1) Declare an int histogram array with indexes 0 to 1 billion and initialize it to 0 (0 of each index value seen so far). 2) Look at every value in the array to sort, and increment by 1 the index (specified by that data value) in the histogram array. So, if 157,000,000 was the next value in the array to sort, increment the histogram array at index 157,000,000. 3) Scan the entire histogram array from 0 to 1 billion; whenever you get to an index that stores c (!= 0) put c values of that index into the next position in the array to sort (starting from the beginning, replacing the values already in the array). Looking at raw numbers, Step 1 requires 1,000,000,000 operations, Step 2 requires 1,000,0000 operations, and Step 3 requires 1,001,000,000 operations (for a total of about 2,002,000,000 operations). If we just sorted the array using an O(N Log2 N) algorithm (with a constant of 1), it would require about 20,000,000 operations. So here bucket sort looks pretty bad, by a factor of 100. Note we are doing a tremendous number of operations to scan buckets that are likely empty (a maximum of 1 in 1,000 buckes is non-0, achieved when every value in the array to sort is different; with duplicate values fewer buckets are non-0). If we have to sort very many numbers in a very small range (or even billions of numbers in the full int range: any time M< 1 minute U/S = Unstable/Stable I/N = In place (requires < O(N) more space: O(1) or O(Log N))/Not in place For more details, look at the Wikipedia article on Sorting Algorithms: