ICS 139W Spring 2005
Enrollment Status

Please read this first

This page lists the status of each student who filed a petition to enroll in ICS 139W this quarter. The IDSuffix column lists the last four digits of student ID#'s, which will allow you to pick out your information from the list. Next to each student's IDSuffix is an explanation of that student's status.

Enrollment status (Last updated: Sunday, April 10)

IDSuffix Status
2210 Authorized to add; see me with an add card on Monday, April 11
3549 Still awaiting a seat
4124 Authorized to add; see me with an add card on Monday, April 11
4871 Authorized to add; see me with an add card on Monday, April 11
7252 No longer under consideration; did not pass writing sample
7788 Authorized to add; see me with an add card on Monday, April 11
7955 Authorized to add; see me with an add card on Monday, April 11
8548 No longer under consideration; did not pass writing sample