ICS 46 Spring 2022
Notes and Examples: Graph Connectedness


When we learned previously about graph traversals, we discovered that there were some complications involved in traversing graphs that we didn't encounter when we were traversing trees. One of those complications arose when we tried to traverse a graph that lacked what you might generally call connectedness, which is to say that you may not necessarily be able to start at one vertex and reach every other vertex in the graph simply by following the available edges; some of them might be unreachable. This wasn't a problem that was particularly difficult to work around, but we did have to recognize it and allow for it in the design of our traversal algorithms.

It's important to note, also, that a lack of connectedness wasn't at all unrealistic; it's not just a theoretical problem. You could consider the collection of people who use Facebook and their friend relationships to be a directed graph; each person would be one vertex in the graph, while each instance of a person A listing person B as a friend would be a directed edge from vertex A to vertex B. Now suppose that two people create Facebook accounts for the first time, and they each list one another as a friend. For now, these two people are a sort of island in the graph; they're disconnected from anyone else, with no path (via friend relationships) able to reach from either of them to anyone other than them (or vice versa).

So it's certainly the case that we'll need to consider the effect that connectedness has on various graph algorithms. It's not a bad idea, either, to be sure we understand what connectedness really means, and that it's not quite as simple of a concept as it sounds, particularly when we're talking about directed graphs. Let's explore this topic a little more thoroughly.

Connectedness in undirected graphs

What do we mean when we talk about the connectedness of an undirected graph? The story actually starts with a related definition, which talks about the connectedness of two vertices.

We say that two vertices v and w in an undirected graph are connected if there is a path containing both v and w.

Recall that a path in a graph is a sequence of vertices where each vertex in the sequence has an edge leading to the vertex that follows it. So, generally, this definition just means that two vertices are connected if you can start with one of them, follow a sequence of edges, and eventually end up at the other one.

The definition above leads to a broader definition of whether an entire undirected graph is connected.

We say that an undirected graph is connected if every pair of vertices in the graph is connected.

In other words, in an undirected graph that is connected, you can start anywhere and follow edges to get anywhere else. Consider this definition in relation to the two undirected graphs, G1 and G2, below.

Connectedness of undirected graphs

With undirected graphs, it's reasonably straightforward to look at them quickly and determine their connectedness. G1 is clearly connected; no matter which vertex you choose, you'll be able to reach any of the others. G2, on the other hand, is clearly not, because it consists of two separate "islands," which are technically called connected components.

We say that a subset of the vertices in an undirected graph is a connected component if every pair of vertices in the subset is connected, but none of the vertices is connected to any vertex outside of the subset.

An algorithm for determining the connectedness of an undirected graph

The depth-first graph traversal algorithm we saw previously nicely forms the basis of an algorithm for determining whether an undirected graph is connected. Recall that our depth-first graph traversal algorithm actually had two parts:

If all we want to know is whether an undirected graph is connected, there's an easy way to do it. Below is an algorithm that uses DFTr, with the additional presumption that the visit step simply adds 1 to the visitedCount.

IsConnected(UndirectedGraph g):
    startVertex = any vertex in g
    visitedCount = 0

    DFTr(g, startVertex)

    return visitedCount == number of vertices in g

So, generally, we run a single DFTr from the start vertex, adding 1 to visitedCount every time we visit a vertex. When we're done, the counter will tell us how many vertices were reached. If we reached all of the vertices (i.e., if the counter equals the number of vertices in the graph), the undirected graph is connected; otherwise, it's not. (If it seems strange to you that it's possible for visit to add 1 to a local variable in IsConnected, note that there are lots of ways to achieve this kind of goal in C++: a member variable in a class, a lambda expression that captures the local variable by reference, or even a global variable.)

We can also modify our algorithm slightly to find the connected components instead. For this, we'll instead say that the visit step will assign a componentNumber to the vertex being visited.

FindConnectedComponents(UndirectedGraph g):
    for each vertex v in g:
        v.visited = false

    componentNumber = 0

    for each vertex v in g:
        if not v.visted:
            DFTr(g, v)    

The FindConnectedComponents algorithm is a lightly-modified version of DFT, which increments a componentNumber variable each time we start a new call to DFTr. If the visit step in DFTr assigns that componentNumber to each vertex it visits, then when we're done, all of the vertices in each connected component will be marked with the same componentNumber, and any two vertices in different connected components will be marked with a different componentNumber.

Try these algorithms on the two undirected graphs above to make sure you understand how they work.

Asymptotic analysis of the algorithms

Since these algorithms are ultimately nothing more than depth-first traversals with slightly different visit implementations, each of which takes Θ(1) time to run, the analysis here is straightforward.

Connectedness in directed graphs

Strong connectedness and weak connectedness

Connectedness in directed graphs is a slightly more intricate concept, because the directionality of the edges introduces the possibility of two vertices being connected in one direction but not the other (i.e., just because there is a path leading from v to w does not imply that there is a path leading from w to v). This basic observation leads to two separate definitions of connectedness, embodied by the two directed graphs below.

Connectedness of a directed graph

The graph on the left, G3 is one that appears to be connected when you look at it quickly, but the directionality of its edges reveals an important shortcoming: From a, it's possible to reach every vertex; but from any other vertex, there is at least one other vertex that you can't reach. On the other hand, the graph on the right, G4 doesn't have this problem; no matter where you start, you'll be able to reach every vertex in the graph.

To describe the distinction between these kinds of connectedness in a directed graph, we use the terms weakly connected and strongly connected, with G3 being weakly connected and G4 being strongly connected.

To be more formal, we define strong connectedness this way:

We say that a directed graph is strongly connected if, for every pair of vertices v and w, there is a path from v to w and a path from w to v.

The graph G4, being one that contains a cycle that includes every vertex, is one that certainly has this property. On the other hand, G3 does not meet this property, because, for example, there is no path leading from the vertex b to the vertex a.

Meanwhile, we define weak connectedness a little bit differently, first defining something else called the underlying undirected graph.

The underlying undirected graph of a directed graph is one with the same set of vertices, but a different set of edges. In particular, between any pair of vertices v and w, if the directed graph has an edge vw or an edge wv, the underlying undirected graph includes an edge {v, w}.

The underlying undirected graph for the graph G3 above looks like this:

The underlying undirected graph of G1

Additionally, note that since undirected graphs can't have "self-edges" (i.e., an edge vv, for some vertex v), we simply remove them; they're not included in the underlying undirected graph.

Given this definition, we define weak connectedness as follows:

We say that a directed graph is weakly connected if its underlying undirected graph is connected.

This definition codifies the general notion that weakly connected directed graphs are the ones that "look connected" when you don't consider the directionality of their edges, while also suggesting an algorithm for determining weak connectedness.

There's one more thing to note: All graphs that are strongly connected are also weakly connected. For example, the graph G4 has the same underlying undirected graph as G3 does, so it, too, is weakly connected.

An algorithm for determining weak connectedness of a directed graph

If we want to test that a directed graph is weakly connected, we have a couple of choices:

How you make that decision has mostly to do with the way that the graph is implemented.

From there, the algorithm is the same as the one for finding out whether an undirected graph is connected. If the underlying undirected graph is connected, the directed graph is weakly connected; if not, it isn't.

The asymptotic analysis is straightforward:

An algorithm for determining strong connectedness of a directed graph

As we've seen, depth-first traversals can form the basis of many graph algorithms, so we might expect a depth-first traversal to be a good choice here. And, indeed, you can use a depth-first traversal to find out whether a directed graph is strongly connected, but you have to be a bit careful about how you apply it.

To understand what we need to do, consider the graph G3 above, which is not strongly connected. Suppose that you ran a DFTr starting from the vertex a. If you did, you'd reach every vertex, which is a positive result, but isn't enough; it establishes that there is a path from a to every vertex, but not that there is a return path from those vertices back to a. This tells us that just performing a DFTr that reaches every vertex isn't enough.

One approach that would work would be to simply run a separate DFTr starting at every vertex. If they all reach every vertex, then you would be sure that the graph was strongly connected.

The asymptotic analysis, again, would be straightforward. We know that a single call to DFTr takes O(v2) or O(v + e) time (depending on the graph's implementation). Running as many as v of these calls — one for each vertex — would then take O(v3) or O(v2 + ve) time.

It should be noted that there are better algorithms than this one, such as Tarjan's Algorithm and Kosaraju's algorithm, though we didn't discuss either of these in class and are outside the scope of this course, but might make for interesting additional study if you're curious about them.