
About the Mancala Game Framework

This framework was adapted for Mancala by William Lam for the Winter 2012 offering of CS 175, taught by Max Welling. The code was originally designed for Connect Four, provided by Alex Ihler.


MancalaGameState (abstract)
|- KalahGameState
|- OwareGameState
|- KalahPieGameState

Use one of the subclasses to decide on the Mancala variant.

MancalaPlayer (interface)
|- random_Player
|- interactive_Player

Implement the MancalaPlayer interface to create your AI routine. The name of your class should be formatted as YourClassName_Player.


TermGame provides an example of how to use MancalaGameState and MancalaPlayer. It uses reflection to instantiate the state and player classes based on command line parameters. We will use a similar main class to this to run the tournament.

Ex: java TermGame Kalah 4 interactive random
Set player 0 as the interactive player and player 1 as the random player, 
playing the Kalah variant with 4 starting stones in each bucket.

Note that for Oware, repeated states are possible in the game tree. Since we cannot assume that two players will make a consensus to end the game, we will leave this decision up to the user interface running the game. (It should detect a sequence of repeated states and end the main execution loop, if so.)