SpArcFiRe logo SpArcFiRe Virtual Machine

Setup the Virtual Machine

We will now setup the virtual machine by doing the following:

  1. Select New

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  2. For name type "sparcfire", for Type select "Linux", for Version select "Ubuntu (64-bit). Then select "Next"

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  3. Select how much memory to allocate (the default should be sufficent). Then select "Next".

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  4. Select "Use an existing Virtual Hard Drive Disk". Then Click on the folder icon.

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  5. Navigate to where you saved the Virtual Machine (from getting started). Select it, then click open.

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  6. Finally click "Create"

You should now be abe to see a virtual machine named "sparcfire" in the VM Manager. If you do, I have good news... you are now ready to run SpArcFiRe!