Andy Thai

Ph.D. Student

Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences

Department of Computer Science

Interactive Graphics & Visualization Lab



My research focuses are based in computer graphics, with specific interest towards image processing, vision, and animation. I am currently advised by Prof. Gopi Meenakshisundaram.

For more information, you can visit my website at

For the 2019-2020 academic year, I will serve as a DECADE PLUS Leadership Coach, where I specialize in outreach, mentoring, and leadership for first-generation, under-represented undergraduate student scholars.

I was previously an undergraduate research assistant in UCSD's Department of Cognitive Science, where I worked on studies relating to social robotics, animal-robot interaction, and pro-social reciprocity in rodents within Professor Andrea Chiba's laboratory.







ICS 33: Intermediate Programming

Teaching Assistant, UCI, Summer 2019 (10 weeks)

ICS 45C: Programming in C++ as a Second Language

Reader, UCI, Spring 2019

ICS 32: Programming with Software Libraries

Teaching Assistant, UCI, Winter 2019

ICS 33: Intermediate Programming

Teaching Assistant, UCI, Fall 2018

COGS 189: Brain-Computing Interfaces

Instructional Assistant, UCSD, Winter 2018


