netDB2 Introductory Guide

The netDB2 guide will continuously be updated throughout the quarter. Relevant information that you require for different parts for your PDA assignments will be put into it periodically. The information in this document has been derived from the netDB2 SQL guide and the netDB2 SQL reference. Both these manuals are accessible to you by logging on the netDB2. The SQL guide and reference are quite large and the information in this document should suffice for your assignments and project most of the times. As you make progress, you may discover that the introductory guide we are creating does not contain all the information you need for a specific part of your project. You are advised to refer to the original manuals to get the information in that case. We will appreciate if you let us know the specific SQL feature you needed to use which you did not find in this introductory guide. If you let us know, we might be able to help you find the feature in the manuals. Also, if the missing concept is used my multiple groups we may decide that it is important enough to include in future versions of this guide. This will help future ICS184 students.