Assignment 04

Due Date:

Friday, 10/30 11:59pm

User Interaction Software

  • Fall 2012
  • Department of Informatics
  • Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Assignment #4: Goal: Gain experience with the real-time web, XML, JSON and Javascript

  • This is a solo assignment
    • Identify 5 JSON/XML data sources (URLs) that have geo-data in them. They must come from different domains.
      • For full credit the source of the data that you pull from should be dynamic. Not a static XML or JSON file sitting on a server somewhere. By "dynamic" I mean it should give you different data from the same URL depending on when you request it *or* it should be constructed from the parameters of the URL that you give it.
      • If you use things that are completely static there will be a 3 point penalty per static source.
      • If you put the static feed in your table then there will be an additional 5 point penalty
    • Create a web-page that loads one of the 5 data-sources using AJAX, parses it and presents the data as a table on the webpage.
      • You must deal with cross-site data requests (you need a proxy or JSONP),
      • You must pick a library to parse and manipulate the data
      • You must insert/modify a javascript structure into a web-page
      • For the dynamic table:
        • It must have one row for every entry in the feed
        • Each row must have a description of the feed entry and the associated geo-data (at least)
        • The number of rows must *not* be hardcoded into the HTML. It must be dynamically loaded from the remote URL
    • Turn in a link to your web-page using the EEE Quiz Mechanism Turn in here
      • The web-page should list the 5 data sources (by URL) and your written description of what they are
      • Also on the web page should be a description of how you accomplished your data-parsing
      • Also on the web page is the table that is the result of your parsing (it should generate itself from a live AJAX call)
    • For bonus points do this three times: load one XML AJAX example, one JSON AJAX example and one JSONP example.
    • While graphic design is not the focus of this assignment, feel free to make your webpage look good.
  • Resources:
    • a proxy program which will get around the cross-site data restrictions:
      • Please note that this file must be on a machine that has both php and curl installed ( is one such machine). The myProxy.php file must be on the same domain as the one that is executing the javascript. That's the whole point of why you need it.
      • When it is called with a url like this:
      • It will use php and curl to load and send it back as if it were on the local machine