Gopi Meenakshisundaram (M. Gopi)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science.

430, Computer Science Building,
University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3425

(949)824 9498


UCI Graphics Page

About My Name





For Students

What's in the name?
I have spent most of my telephone time on spelling my name out and talking about how long it is. I want to make use of my web site to put all questions to rest.  In southern India, the custom is to use father's first name as children's last name. In my case too, Meenakshisundaram is my father's first name. Further, we used to write the father's name as initials in front of the name, rather than as a last name. So my name, before coming to the US, was "M. Gopi", and I still prefer this naming convention, as it makes my life much simpler ;). I have used this convention in all my publications, and I would like to be called "Gopi" rather than "Dr.Meenakshisundaram". For those interested, following is the pronunciation of my complete name. For those who are not interested in my name but just me, the first two rows might still be of interest :).  I am not sure why many in the US pronounce my name as "Goopi". Is there any cartoon character by that name?
Pronunciation of my name: Gopi Meenakshisundaram
Go Go
pi "pi" in "piece"
Mee Me
nak naak
shi she
sun "u" as in "put"
da "d" as "th" in "the"
ram rum (the drink)