Spring 2013 — UC IrvineInformation & Computer ScienceICS 139WDavid G. Kay

Changing the System: You make the funding decisions

As you listen to your classmates' proposals, decide which proposal(s) are most effective. Pretend that you work for a foundation or venture capital company with a budget of $3,500,000 to spend on funding system changes, according to these guidelines:

We will accumulate the results and report them back to you. This is for interest and information only; the results will have no effect on anyone's course grade (but turning in this form is required).


Name (speakers on Friday) Amount (all must sum to $1,600,000)   Name (speakers on Monday) Amount (all must sum to $1,900,000)
column sum <= $1,600,000    
      column sum <= $1,900,000