Scott Jordan
Department of Computer Science University of California, Irvine
  CS 232 Textbook

We are using one textbook: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James Kurose & Keith Ross, Addison-Wesley, 6th Edition.

You can purchase either a paper copy or an electronic copy.

Paper copy: Purchase at the UCI bookstore or at any other bookstore. The retail price is $135, but you can find it for considerably less. I will be assigning problems out of the book. If you buy something older than the 6th edition, you are responsible for figuring out which problems to do, since older editions may have different problems.

Electronic copy: $54

  1. Go to the CourseSmart webpage for the book.
  2. Decide whether you would like to purchase the Online Format or the Downloadable Format. Both are the same price. The Online Format will allow you to view the book from any computer that has a live Internet connection. The Downloadable Format will allow you to download the book to a single computer but not to make copies of the file; it will require you to install CourseSmart Bookshelf software. Some students prefer the online format because it does not require installation of any software; other students prefer the downloadable format because it may be faster to flip pages. My recommendation is to purchase the Downloadable Format so that you don't have to worry about whether the website is down or slow.
  3. Select your desired format and purchase the textbook using a credit card.
  4. You should also budget for printing portions of the electronic textbooks. You might find online access too slow or cumbersome, especially when flipping through a large number of pages. If so, please print the relevant portions of the material. You may also find it convenient to print the pages with assigned problems.
Scott Jordan   UCICSNetworked Systems