Final Exam Information - CompSci 161 - Fall, 2022 (Dillencourt)

The the test rules and test format will be essentially the same for the final as for midterm 2. Here are slides summarizing the test rules and test format that were posted before midterm 2, in PPTX and PDF format.

List of topics

The test will cover the material covered in the first eight sets of lecture notes.

The following is a list of topics that may be covered on the the Final Exam. The test is cumulative, with somewhat more emphasis on the new topics (i.e., the topics covered after the second midterm). It lists the primary coverage area of this test. What this means is that a given newer topic has a higher likelihood of being covered than a given topic from the earlier material, but any topic on the list is fair game for an exam question. Test 2 covered up through the material on graph basics and directed acyclic graphs so the newer topics are the topics that fall under the heading of weighted graphs.

Note: As on the midterm exams, there may be questions about the mechanics of algorithms that were covered in the lectures and in the lecture notes. For these questions, you will need to know the algorithms as described in the lectures and in the lecture notes.

Last modified: December 10, 2023