Package CHEM :: Package CombiCDB :: Module ReactionProcessor :: Class ReactionProcessor
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Class ReactionProcessor

Given a set of SMIRKS reactions and reactant molecules, generates as many 
combinatorial products as possible by running every reactant permutation 
through each reaction

Also includes a script to generate the output in a format easily inserted
into the application database.  Assuming starting with some reactant
and SMIRKS files that have NOT been inserted to the database, a complete
run, including inserting the product info into the database could be
accomplished with the following from the command line:

python reactant.smi example.smirks product.smi
python -ireactant.smi     -tMOLECULE    CAN_SMILES LABEL
python -iexample.smirks   -tREACTION  SMIRKS LABEL
python -iproduct.smi      -tMOLECULE     CAN_SMILES LABEL
python -dsynthesis.txt -pproduct.smi

Alternatively, if you wish to use reactants and SMIRKS from the database, something like this:

python "select CAN_SMILES, LABEL, MOLECULE_ID from MOLECULE"  reactant.smi
python "select SMIRKS, LABEL, REACTION_ID from REACTION"      example.smirks
python reactant.smi example.smirks product.smi
python -iproduct.smi      -tMOLECULE     CAN_SMILES LABEL
python -dsynthesis -pproduct.smi reactant.smi example.smirks

- Reacant molecule file
    Can be any format understandable by oemolistream, assuming a properly 
    named extension.  For example, "molecules.smi" for SMILES format.

- SMIRKS reaction file
    File containing one SMIRKS reaction string per line that will 
    be used to process the reactants

Either of the above can take stdin as their source by specifying the 
filename "-" or ".smi" or something similar.  See documentation of 
oemolistream for more information

- Product molecule file
    Outputs all possible products generated from the SMIRKS reactions
    out of the reactant molecules.  Again, redirection to stdout possible 
    by specifying the filename "-".  Each product SMILES will be followed 
    by a molecule "title" of the format "SMIRKS[A]Reactants[X,Y,Z,etc.]" where
        A = Index / position in the SMIRKS reaction file of the reaction 
            used to generate this product.  Index is zero-based
        X,Y,Z,etc. = Index / position in the Reactant molecule file of 
            the respective reactant used

Instance Methods [hide private]
setIncludeReactants(self, value)
generateProductsByFilename(self, reactantFilename, smirksFilename, productFilename)
Opens files with respective names and delegates most work to "generateProducts"
generateProducts(self, reactantOEISFactory, smirksFile, productOEOS)
Primary method, reads the source files to generate products to the output file.
readSMIRKSFile(self, smirksFile)
Read the contents of the file as a list of SMIRKS strings.
applyReaction(self, libgen, reactantOEISFactory, productOEOS, reactionIndex=0, currReactantIndexes=None, reactantList=None, rejectProductSmiSet=None)
Recursive function to apply the reaction in libgen to all possible permutations of reactants from the reactantOEIS and outputting the results to the productOEOS.
applyReactionBySmirks(self, smirks, reactantList, uniqueOnly=True)
Convenience method.
addReactants(self, product, libgen, reactantList)
Given a reaction product molecule (OEMolBase) and the library generator that created it (OELibraryGen), find all of the reactants (starting materials) from the libGen and add them as part of the product molecule such that the product molecule will instead represent the whole reaction, reactants included.
productPostProcessing(self, product, reactantOEISFactory, reactantList)
Post-processing of product just before it is finally written to the output.
formatDBFileByFilename(self, productFilename, reactantIDFilename, smirksIDFilename, productIDFilename, dbFilename)
Opens files with respective names and delegates most work to "formatDBFile"
formatDBFile(self, productOEIS, reactantIDFile, smirksIDFile, productIDFile, dbFile)
Given the database IDs of reactants, reactions (smirks) and products and information indicating how they are all related, generate a simple text file that should be very easy to import into the database to persist that association information.
__visitBondedAtoms(self, atom, visitedAtomIndexes=None)
Starting from the given atom, add every visited atom's index to the visistedAtomIndexes Set.
Class Variables [hide private]
  ignoreSelfReactions = False
  includeReactants = <
  includeUnusedReactants = False
Method Details [hide private]

generateProducts(self, reactantOEISFactory, smirksFile, productOEOS)


Primary method, reads the source files to generate products to the output file. See module documentation for more information.

Note: This method takes actual File objects, oemolistreams and oemolostreams, not filenames, to allow the caller to pass "virtual Files" for the purpose of testing and interfacing. Use the "main" method to have the module take care of opening files from filenames.

Note that the reactantOEISFactory is not a simple oemolistream either, but a factory object that can generate oemolistreams over the list of reactants. This is necessary as nested loops iterating over the reactants simultaneously is required.

readSMIRKSFile(self, smirksFile)

Read the contents of the file as a list of SMIRKS strings.
Comment lines prefixed with "#" will be ignored.  
Expects one SMIRKS string per line of the file.  Each SMIRKS string can be followed
    by any title / comment, etc. separated by whitespace.  These will be ignored.

applyReaction(self, libgen, reactantOEISFactory, productOEOS, reactionIndex=0, currReactantIndexes=None, reactantList=None, rejectProductSmiSet=None)

Recursive function to apply the reaction in libgen to all possible
permutations of reactants from the reactantOEIS and outputting the results
to the productOEOS.  Returns the number of products added for this function call.

libgen = OELibraryGen initialized with a SMIRKS (or other reaction) string
        and any number of reactants upto libgen.NumReactants()
reactantOEISFactory = IteratorFactory object that can generate
        oemolistreams over the reactant molecules to feed into libgen.
productOEOS = Oemolostream to write output products from reaction processing to
reactionIndex = Index indicating what reaction was used in this libgen.
        Just for labelling purposes of output.
currReactantIndexes = List of indexes of reactants that have already been set
        on the libgen.  Length of list indicates how many have already been set
        (i.e. the current depth of recursion)
        and the actual indexes are again useful for labelling the output.

If reactions always had 2 reactants, this design would not be necessary.
A simple doubly nested loop could enumerate all permutations.  However,
since an arbitrary reaction may have n reactants, an "n-leveled" nested
loop would be required, which cannot be determined until runtime.  Thus,
this recursive approach is used instead.

applyReactionBySmirks(self, smirks, reactantList, uniqueOnly=True)


Convenience method. Parse out the SMIRKS string for the caller and collect product results in a list, rather than requiring an OE output stream. This instantiates separate copies of every product list, thus being less efficient in memory usage than a streaming process. Should only be used for convenience.

Reactant list parameter is expected to be a list of molecule objects.

If uniqueOnly, will only return non-redundant results

addReactants(self, product, libgen, reactantList)


Given a reaction product molecule (OEMolBase) and the library generator that created it (OELibraryGen), find all of the reactants (starting materials) from the libGen and add them as part of the product molecule such that the product molecule will instead represent the whole reaction, reactants included.

Note that this method assumes that there is only one starting material per reactant position. For other library generation applications, this assumption may be true.

productPostProcessing(self, product, reactantOEISFactory, reactantList)

Post-processing of product just before it is finally written to the output. Return True if everything is okay. Return False if this product has an error and should be rejected from final output

formatDBFile(self, productOEIS, reactantIDFile, smirksIDFile, productIDFile, dbFile)


Given the database IDs of reactants, reactions (smirks) and products and information indicating how they are all related, generate a simple text file that should be very easy to import into the database to persist that association information.

Each line should correspond to a row in the SYNTHESIS table, with values to insert respective to PRODUCT_ID, REACTION_ID, REACTANT_ID and REACTANT_POSITION

__visitBondedAtoms(self, atom, visitedAtomIndexes=None)

Starting from the given atom, add every visited atom's index to the visistedAtomIndexes Set. Recursively visit all bonded atoms

Class Variable Details [hide private]

