Package CHEM :: Package CombiCDB :: Module ReactionScreen
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Module ReactionScreen

Classes [hide private]
For reaction molecule objects, determine whether a ring system was formed (or destroyed) between the reactants and products.
For reaction molecule objects, determine whether any aromatic system was formed (or destroyed) between the reactants and products.
Functions [hide private]
Main method, callable from command line...
Function Details [hide private]


Main method, callable from command line
options include: -a --aromatic : aromaticScreen (requires a true or false option
                 -r --ringChange : ringChangeScreen (requires a true or false option and a size option
                 -t --true : true option for both screens
                 -f --false : false option for both screens
                 -s --size : size option for ringChangeScreen