Package CHEM :: Package DB :: Module DBPopulator2 :: Class AnnotationIteratorPreparer
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Class AnnotationIteratorPreparer

BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer --+

Called once per source2chemicalmix. Generate all of the annotations for the attached mol object's SD tag data.

Instance Methods [hide private]
prepareIterator(self, parentObj)
Parent object should be a source2chemicalmix model with an associated mol object to extract the SD tagged data from.

Inherited from BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer: __init__, newDefaultObject

Method Details [hide private]

prepareIterator(self, parentObj)

Parent object should be a source2chemicalmix model with an associated mol object to extract the SD tagged data from.
Overrides: BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer.prepareIterator