Package CHEM :: Package DB :: Module ReactDBPopulator :: Class ReactionStepIteratorPreparer
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Class ReactionStepIteratorPreparer

BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer --+

Main outer loop iterator which does the actual walk through the (reaction) molecule input stream which presumably hits one reaction molecule at a time.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, conn, tableName, oeis, autoCommit)
Constructor, set the molecule input stream to do the main iteration through
prepareIterator(self, parentObj)
Iteration is based on the primary molecule input stream (file).

Inherited from BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer: newDefaultObject

Class Variables [hide private]
  autoCommit = False
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, conn, tableName, oeis, autoCommit)

Constructor, set the molecule input stream to do the main iteration through
Overrides: BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer.__init__

prepareIterator(self, parentObj)

Iteration is based on the primary molecule input stream (file). Build reaction RowItemModel objects based on these molecule objects.
Overrides: BaseDBPopulator.BaseIteratorPreparer.prepareIterator