Package CHEM :: Package Web :: Package cgibin :: Module BaseWeb :: Class BaseWeb
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Class BaseWeb

Common base class for web interface modules to supply some standard setup, parameter extraction, file upload processing methods, etc.

Instance Methods [hide private]
addHandler(self, commandName, methodName)
Tells this controller class to look for requests that include a form field named 'commandName.' If found, the handleRequest method will invoke the method named 'methodName' on this instance.
Clear any previously added handlers.
handleRequest(self, form=None, req=None)
Primary execution method, finds an appropriate command method to execute based on the contents of the form which is an instance of cgi.FieldStorage.
__handleRequest(self, form=None, req=None)
Private version that does most of the work.
Normal behavior, store all request parameters back into the templateDict for maintenance across page views.
errorResponse(self, exc)
If an Exception (exc) was thrown during the request handling process, respond to the client with this method instead of the standard response method.
Deliver response after a handleRequest.
Standard end result of web script.
setTemplateFilename(self, filename)
If template filename has been manually set by user, then just return that.
optionTagsFromList(self, valueList, textList, selectedValue=None)
Generate and return the HTML <option value="%value">%text</option> tags for a given list of values and respective text labels.
optionTagsFromField(self, fieldname, selected=None)
Shorthand for optionTagsFromList with default options and selected value.
Look for all fields whose name ends with file suffix "File" and loads those file contents into the field respectively named by that field's prefix.
replaceWhitespace(self, value)
Look for specific whitespace description sequences and replace them with the real special characters.
Static Methods [hide private]
Quote out (convert to escape sequences) SMILES strings so that they may be passed around as request parameters without losing special characters like / and \, etc.
Undo the quoteSmiles function
Given a string value, replace certain special characters with placeholders so that the string can be in turn be used as a JavaScript string for subsequent dynamic manipulation.
Neutralize any special characters for use as a filepath, including '/' which could be a SMILES character.
Class Variables [hide private]
  UPLOAD_FILE_CMD = "uploadFiles"
Standard suffix expected for corresponding web templates
Format string for option tags
  OPTION_TAG = '<option value="%(value)s"%(selected)s>%(text)s</...
  mHandlers = <
  mForm = <
  mTemplateDict = <
  mTemplateFilename = <
  requestData = <
  req = <
  disableResponse = False
Method Details [hide private]


Constructor. Just some initializations such as addition of default mTemplateDict values and command handlers (e.g. File uploads). Be sure the subclasses call this method in their own __init__!

addHandler(self, commandName, methodName)

Tells this controller class to look for requests that include a form field named 'commandName.' If found, the handleRequest method will invoke the method named 'methodName' on this instance.
>>> web = ExampleWeb()
>>> web.addHandler("submit",ExampleWeb.doSubmit.__name__)


Clear any previously added handlers. Mostly pointless, except when caller wishes to clear the default handlers.

handleRequest(self, form=None, req=None)

Primary execution method, finds an appropriate command method to execute based on the contents of the form which is an instance of cgi.FieldStorage. Normal case is to just call this method as below, letting the cgi module take care of all of the parameter parsing and construction.
>>> web.handleRequest( cgi.FieldStorage() )

If no form parameter is given, will default to cgi.FieldStorage()

For mod_python based calls, can add additional request object parameter, useful for reporting additional debug information.

Note: With the given structure, it is possible for a single form request to invoke multiple command methods, the form just has to contain the commandName field for multiple recognized handlers. The order that these are executed will depend on the order in which the command handlers were added via the addHandler method.

__handleRequest(self, form=None, req=None)

Private version that does most of the work. Separate as, depending on logger level, may or may not want to print out full error stack trace.



Normal behavior, store all request parameters back into the templateDict for maintenance across page views. Exception is file parameters. Don't want to store "value" because that would be entire file contents. Instead, maintain the "filename" attribute.

Another exception is select boxes (drop lists). Name of parameter passed in is different than the option tag text that must be output to represent that selection.


Deliver response after a handleRequest. By default, just do a printTemplate, substituting in specified parameters in the requestData. Subclasses may override this method however to do something different, such as redirecting to another page or outputting binary data.


Standard end result of web script. Print the template html file out, replacing any parameters in the file based on what's been filled in the requestData attribute


If template filename has been manually set by user, then just return that. Otherwise, build the standard template filename given the instance class's name.

optionTagsFromList(self, valueList, textList, selectedValue=None)


Generate and return the HTML <option value="%value">%text</option> tags for a given list of values and respective text labels. Each value printed will be compared to the selectedValue. If so, the option will also be "selected."

To allow for multiple selections, if selectedValue is found to be an instance of a sets.Set object, then, instead of a direct comparison, each value will be searched for as a key in the set. If found, each of those options will be "selected".

Note that this does NOT write the containing <select></select> tags, giving the caller control to define any properties / styles on that tag.



Look for all fields whose name ends with file suffix "File" and loads those file contents into the field respectively named by that field's prefix.

For example, given an input field of type file named "smilesFile", if the contents of that field are non-empty, copy the contents into the field (templateDict value) named "smiles"

Static Method

Neutralize any special characters for use as a filepath, including '/' which could be a SMILES character. Additional issue on Windows systems: File names are NOT case-sensitive. This is a problem for SMILES strings where upper vs. lowercase atom labels is necessary to distinguish aromatic vs. aliphatic atoms.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


'<option value="%(value)s"%(selected)s>%(text)s</option>'











