Package CHEM :: Package Web :: Package cgibin :: Package reaction :: Module SynthesisPreparerWeb :: Class SynthesisPreparerWeb
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SynthesisPreparerWeb

            BaseWeb.BaseWeb --+    
BaseReactionWeb.BaseReactionWeb --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
Use the provided synthesis request parameters to pre-generate some for later use, and check if the cache needs to be scaled back.

Inherited from BaseWeb.BaseWeb: action_uploadFiles, addHandler, clearHandlers, errorResponse, getTemplateFilename, handleRequest, maintainParams, optionTagsFromField, optionTagsFromList, printTemplate, replaceWhitespace, response, setTemplateFilename

Static Methods [hide private]
prepareEmbedTag(synthesisRequest, synthesisCount, urlOnly=False, webDir="../..")
Prepare embed tag or URL only to access this script using the relevant parameters from the request

Inherited from BaseWeb.BaseWeb: javascriptString, quoteFilepath, quoteSmiles, unquoteSmiles

Class Variables [hide private]
  requestIndex = 0

Inherited from BaseWeb.BaseWeb: FILE_FIELD_SUFFIX, OPTIONS_FIELD_SUFFIX, OPTION_TAG, SELECT_FIELD_SUFFIX, TEMPLATE_SUFFIX, UPLOAD_FILE_CMD, disableResponse, mForm, mHandlers, mTemplateDict, mTemplateFilename, req, requestData

Method Details [hide private]


Constructor. Just some initializations such as addition of default mTemplateDict values. Be sure the subclasses call this method in their own __init__!
Overrides: BaseReactionWeb.BaseReactionWeb.__init__
(inherited documentation)