10.16 OEStringTokenizeQuoted

bool OEStringTokenizeQuoted(std::list<std::string>   &strgrp,
                            const std::string        &str,
                            const std::string        &delim = " \t\n",
                            const std::string        &quote = "\'\"")
bool OEStringTokenizeQuoted(std::vector<std::string> &strgrp,
                            const std::string        &str,
                            const std::string        &delim = " \t\n",
                            const std::string        &quote = "\'\"")

These functions break up the specified input string (str) into individual tokens based on the specified delimiters (delim) while maintaining the integrity of quoted text specified by quote delimiters (quote). The resulting tokens are stored in the specified string group (strgrp). The function always returns true.