10.17 OEStringToNumber

bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, short          &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, unsigned short &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, int            &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, unsigned int   &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, OELongLong     &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, OEULongLong    &val, int b = 10)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, float          &val)
bool OEStringToNumber(const std::string &str, double         &val)

These functions attempt to convert the specified string (str) into a numerical value in the specified base (b) and store the generated value in the format appropriate to the passed parameter (val). The function returns whether or not this conversion was successful. If the function fails, val is set to 0.