
The latest version of VLFeat is 0.9.20. To use VLFeat, simply download and unpack the latest binary package and add the appropriate paths to your environment (see below for details).



Repository access

VLFeat is under active development. You can browse our Git repository or download it by

git clone git://

(This will require Git to be installed). The top of the master branch corresponds to the most recent version of VLFeat, but it could be unstable.

We welcome contributions to both the documentation and the source code of VLFeat. You can create patches against our Git repository and send them to us for inclusion in the next version. There are two ways to contribute. For minor changes, simply clone our public repository, as explained above. Once you have made and committed your changes locally, you can submit them to the project via e-mail using a command like git format-patch:

git format-patch origin

For major additions, we prefer to handle collaboration through github. Follow their tutorial to fork our project and submit your modifications using a pull request.