UC IRVINE - ICS 121 Software Tools and Methods

Assignment 4: Requirements Specification (15%)

Due in class Tuesday, November 30, 1999


The requirements document will consist of

  1. Title Page.
  2. Summary. A two page summary of the project:
  3. Use Cases.
  4. Deliverables. What are you going to give to the customer? (include the items that apply)
  5. Delivery Platform. What hardware/software/database/etc. will be needed to run the system? This is usually specified by your client.
  6. Development Platform. What hardware/software/database/etc. will you need to develop the system? This is usually decided by you.

ICS121 FQ99
David F. Redmiles ­ Home Page
Department of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3425