UC IRVINE - ICS 121 Software Tools and Methods

Assignment 5: Architectual Specification (15%)

Due in class Tuesday, December 7, 1999 (Day of Final)


You will create an architectual specification of the Cordless Phone using Class and State Diagrams according to the UML notation. You will use Argo/UML to draw the diagrams. The contents of the specifications document are described below.

Hint: inputting a new entry to the address book should be a rich source of classes and states/trasitions/etc (see below).

Note: Part 2 of the document gives you a choice of doing ONE of TWO things.

Note: Part 5 describes Testing, but it describes not a separate section of the document but things to do with the UML notation in Parts 3 and 4.

  1. Title Page.
  2. Use Cases or Mockups.
  3. Class Diagrams. Identify about 12 classes that are relevant to one or more of the use cases you developed in Assignment 4.
  4. State Diagrams.
  5. For one or more of the classes above, draw state diagrams to illustrate potential changes in states over the possible course of interactions. Do enough to have about 12 states and transitions.
  6. Test Cases. You will specify more detailed test cases in this assignment. Think in terms of planning for system and unit testing. Specifically attend to the following.

ICS121 FQ99
David F. Redmiles ­ Home Page
Department of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3425