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Summary of ethical computing policy »

This document is intended to remind you of the key points covered in the document Ethical Use of Computing Resources which you read in order to get an account. If you have any questions about the information in this document, you can reread the ethics document by typing man ethics, by visting, you can send mail to the address, or you can visit CS 346 and speak with one of the experts.


Ethical Behavior

The 2 most important points in the ethics document are that:

  • The user must behave ethically at all times.

  • Each user is solely responsible for the actions of anyone using his/her account.

Unethical behavior includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Introducing viruses, worms, trojan horses, password cracking, or login/e-mail spoofing programs to any University computer.

  • Gaining unauthorized access to equipment or accounts.

  • Wasting resources.

  • Destroying computer based information belonging to others.

  • Spying on others.

  • Making commercial or political use of computing resources.

  • Misuse of licensed software.

  • Sending mass mailings of messages to random people.

  • Sending chain letters through e-mail.